0Minimalistic SLIP model

last edits:

  • Feb. 6th, 2014 MM: moved "in-stride predictions" to separate notebook
  • Feb. 7th, 2014 MM: worked on section 11: variance reduction by simulation
  • Feb. 13th, 2014 MM: worked on section 4: build fullstate SLIP; modified factorSLIP; added "indices_"-option
  • Jul. 22nd, 2014 MM: reworked Figure in 11.6: compare affine ("linear") and simulated models


This notebook continues scientific investigations from the original "AnkleSLIP" notebook.
It has been splitted to regain the general overview.

This script tries to identify a minimalistic SLIP extension (e.g., Ankle-Y-position only).

Step 0: configure notebook and define functions

to content
Select subject and details of computation

In [1]:
%cd mmnotebooks


In [1]:
# run this to connect an ipython qtconsole to the notebook

  "stdin_port": 52804, 
  "ip": "", 
  "control_port": 34308, 
  "hb_port": 37939, 
  "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256", 
  "key": "5744f38e-25af-40aa-a61f-4967624018d0", 
  "shell_port": 57309, 
  "transport": "tcp", 
  "iopub_port": 53870

Paste the above JSON into a file, and connect with:
    $> ipython <app> --existing <file>
or, if you are local, you can connect with just:
    $> ipython <app> --existing kernel-b5eda3b6-5a29-4374-89b5-578d8df88e82.json 
or even just:
    $> ipython <app> --existing 
if this is the most recent IPython session you have started.

In [38]:
# this cell_ID can be used to access this cell from other notebooks.
# cell_ID 0

# system libs
import os
import sys
import re
from copy import deepcopy

# shai's lib
import libshai.util as ut

# my libs
import mutils.io as mio
import mutils.misc as mi
import mutils.statistics as st
import mutils.FDatAn as fda
from  mutils.io import build_dataset
import models.sliputil as su
import models.slip as sl
from models.sliputil import getControlMaps
from models.sliputil import get_auto_sys

conf = mio.saveable()
# define and import data
conf.subject = 2  #available subjects: 1,2,3,7. Other subjects have comparatively bad data quality
conf.ttype = 1 # 1: free running, 2: metronome running (data incomplete!)
conf.n_factors = 5 # 1-5 factors to predict SLIP parameters
conf.n_factors_doc = "how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state"
conf.exclude_IC_from_factors = False # exclude the initial conditions from kinematic state 
# detrending options
conf.dt_window = 30
conf.dt_medfilter = False # use median filter instead of mean
# select ankle-SLIP instead of "factors without CoM state" ?
conf.select_ankle_SLIP = True

conf.cslip_forceZeroRef = True # reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
conf.cslip_forceZeroRef_doc = "reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not"

# to compute periodic SLIP orbit: average over parameters or initial conditions?
conf.po_average_over_IC = True
conf.po_average_over_IC_doc = "average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP"
conf.normalize_m = True # convert k -> k/m, dE -> dE/m,  m -> 1.0

# startup
conf.startup_compute_full_maps = True # compute return maps on data loading?
conf.startup_n_full_maps = 20 # how many full-stride maps to compute for averaging
conf.startup_compute_PCA = False # compute PCA on startup?

conf.quiet = False # suppress a lot of output


_saveables                 list (10)        list of types that can be stored
cslip_forceZeroRef         bool  True       reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
dt_medfilter               bool  False      
dt_window                  int  30          
exclude_IC_from_factors    bool  False      
n_factors                  int  5           how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state
normalize_m                bool  True       
po_average_over_IC         bool  True       average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP
quiet                      bool  False      
select_ankle_SLIP          bool  True       
startup_compute_PCA        bool  False      
startup_compute_full_maps  bool  True       
startup_n_full_maps        int  20          
subject                    int  2           
ttype                      int  1           

In [2]:
# cell_ID 0.1
def test_model(kdata_r, kdata_l, kdata_full, side="r", out_of_sample=True):
    This function performs the prediction tests and creates the
    corrsponding figures displaying the results.
        in_dat (nxd array): data to predict. *NOTE* it is assumed that the first 3 columns 
            represent the CoM state
        side (str): "r" or "l", look at right or left step. *NOTE* currently ignored.
        out_of_sample: whether to use different parts of the data for regression and prediction

        fig (figure handle): a handle of the figure which will be created

    fig = figure(figsize=(17,7))
    # identify indices of CoM in kdata_r - data
    cidxr = []
    for req_lbl in ['com_z', 'v_com_x', 'v_com_y']:
        for idx, lbl in enumerate(kdata_r.kin_labels):
            if lbl.lower() == req_lbl.lower():
    cidxr = array(cidxr)
    print "indices of CoM in right submodel data:", cidxr
    # identify indices of CoM in kdata_l - data
    cidxl = []
    for req_lbl in ['com_z', 'v_com_x', 'v_com_y']:
        for idx, lbl in enumerate(kdata_l.kin_labels):
            if lbl.lower() == req_lbl.lower():
    cidxl = array(cidxl)
    print "indices of CoM in left submodel data:", cidxl
    # make prediction for SLIP parameters
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,4,1)
    pred1 = st.predTest(kdata_r.s_kin_r, kdata_r.s_param_r, rcond=1e-7, 
    pred2 = st.predTest(kdata_full.s_kin_r, kdata_r.s_param_r, rcond=1e-7, 
    pred3 = st.predTest(hstack([kdata_r.s_param_l[:-1,:], kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:, cidxr]]),
             kdata_r.s_param_r[1:, ], rcond=1e-7, out_of_sample=out_of_sample) # there is 
    # no "data before first right apex"
    b11 = ax1.boxplot(pred1, positions = arange(pred1.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    b12 = ax1.boxplot(pred2, positions = arange(pred2.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    b13 = ax1.boxplot(pred3, positions = arange(pred3.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax1.set_title('prediction for SLIP parameters\nred: reduced model\nblack: ' + 
                  'full state information\ngreen: [CoM; last SLIP params]')
    ax1.set_xticks(arange(pred1.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax1.set_xticklabels(['$k$', '$\\alpha$', '$L_0$', '$\\beta$', '$\\Delta E$'])
    ax1.set_yticks(.1 * arange(12))    
    ax1.plot(ax1.get_xlim(), [1, 1], 'k--')
    ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.15)
    # make "self consistency" prediction -> CoM state prediction is part of this        
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,4,2)
    pred1 = st.predTest(kdata_r.s_kin_r, kdata_l.s_kin_l, rcond=1e-7, 
    pred2 = st.predTest(kdata_full.s_kin_r, kdata_l.s_kin_l, rcond=1e-7, 
    pred3 = st.predTest(hstack([kdata_r.s_param_l[:-1,:], kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:, cidxr]]),
             kdata_l.s_kin_l[1:, cidxl], rcond=1e-7, out_of_sample=out_of_sample) # there is 
    # no "data before first right apex"

    b21 = ax2.boxplot(pred1, positions = arange(pred1.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    b23 = ax2.boxplot(pred3, positions = cidxl * .6 + .25)
    b22 = ax2.boxplot(pred2, positions = arange(pred2.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax2.set_title('state prediction after 1 step \n(self-consistency)\nred: reduced model\nblack: '+ 
                  'full state information\ngreen: [CoM; last SLIP params]')
    ax2.set_xticks(arange(pred2.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax2.set_xticklabels(kdata_l.kin_labels, rotation='vertical')
    ax2.set_yticks(.1 * arange(12))
    ax2.plot(ax2.get_xlim(), [1, 1], 'k--')
    ax2.set_ylim(0, 1.15)    
    # make "self consistency" prediction -> CoM state prediction is part of this
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,4,3)
    pred1 = st.predTest(kdata_r.s_kin_r[:-1, :], kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:, :], rcond=1e-7, 
    pred2 = st.predTest(kdata_full.s_kin_r[:-1, :], kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:, :], rcond=1e-7,
    pred3 = st.predTest(hstack([kdata_r.s_param_l[:-2,:], kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:-1, cidxr]]),
             kdata_l.s_kin_r[2:, cidxr], rcond=1e-7, out_of_sample=out_of_sample) # there is no
    # "data before first right apex"

    b31 = ax3.boxplot(pred1, positions = arange(pred1.shape[1]) * .6 + .2)
    b33 = ax3.boxplot(pred3, positions = cidxr * .6 + .25)
    b32 = ax3.boxplot(pred2, positions = arange(pred2.shape[1]) * .6 + .225)

    ax3.set_title('state prediction after 1 stride\n (self-consistency test)\nred: ' + 
                  'reduced model\nblack: full state information')
    ax3.set_xticks(arange(pred2.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax3.set_xticklabels(kdata_r.kin_labels, rotation='vertical')
    ax3.set_yticks(.1 * arange(12))
    ax3.plot(ax3.get_xlim(), [1, 1], 'k--')
    ax3.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

    # also: create two-stage prediction model: R->L->R instead of R->->R (directly)
    # first: manually do two-stage prediction     
    # manually do the bootstrap
    # define shortcuts
    dat_r = kdata_r.s_kin_r
    dat_l = kdata_l.s_kin_l
    # 2 stages, reduced model
    bs_vred = []
    for rep in range(100):
        idcs = randint(0, dat_r.shape[0] - 1, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
        if out_of_sample:
            oidx = fda.otheridx(idcs, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
            oidx = idcs
        # regression R->L
        A = dot(dat_l[idcs, :].T, pinv(dat_r[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
        # regression L->R
        B = dot(dat_r[idcs + 1, :].T, pinv(dat_l[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
        pred = None # debug. dot(A, dat_r[oidx, :].T).T
        pred_tot = reduce(dot, [B, A, dat_r[oidx, :].T]).T
        vred = var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :] - pred_tot, axis=0) / var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :], axis=0)
    bs_mdl = vstack(bs_vred)
    # 2 stages, full model, select only which coordinates to display
    # identify which components (indices) are taken in the small models:
    idx_mdl = []
    for idx in arange(kdata_r.s_kin_r.shape[1]):
        for idxf in arange(kdata_full.s_kin_r.shape[1]):
            if allclose(kdata_full.s_kin_r[:, idxf], kdata_r.s_kin_r[:, idx], atol=1e-7):
    submdl_ident = len(idx_mdl) == kdata_r.s_kin_r.shape[1] # all corresponding dimensions found
    if submdl_ident:
        idx_mdl = array(idx_mdl)
        print "corresponding dimensions of reduced and full model identified"
        print "indices:", idx_mdl
        dat_r = kdata_full.s_kin_r
        dat_l = kdata_full.s_kin_l
        bs_vred = []
        for rep in range(100):
            idcs = randint(0, dat_r.shape[0] - 1, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
            if out_of_sample:
                oidx = fda.otheridx(idcs, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
                oidx = idcs
            #oidx = fda.otheridx(idcs, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
            # regression R->L
            A = dot(dat_l[idcs, :].T, pinv(dat_r[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
            # regression L->R
            B = dot(dat_r[idcs + 1, :].T, pinv(dat_l[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
            pred = None # dot(A, dat_r[oidx, :].T).T
            pred_tot = reduce(dot, [B, A, dat_r[oidx, :].T]).T
            vred = var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :] - pred_tot, axis=0) / var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :], axis=0)
        bs_full = vstack(bs_vred)
    # 2 stages, augmented SLIP model ( [CoM; last SLIP params] )
    dat_r = hstack([ kdata_r.s_kin_r[1:, cidxr], kdata_r.s_param_l[:-1, :] ])
    dat_l = hstack([ kdata_l.s_kin_l[1:, cidxl], kdata_l.s_param_r[1:, :] ])
    bs_vred = []
    for rep in range(100):
        idcs = randint(0, dat_r.shape[0] - 1, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
        if out_of_sample:
            oidx = fda.otheridx(idcs, dat_r.shape[0] - 1)
            oidx = idcs
        # regression R->L
        A = dot(dat_l[idcs, :].T, pinv(dat_r[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
        # regression L->R
        B = dot(dat_r[idcs + 1, :].T, pinv(dat_l[idcs, :].T, rcond=1e-7))
        pred = None # debug. remove this line if no error occurs dot(A, dat_r[oidx, :].T).T
        pred_tot = reduce(dot, [B, A, dat_r[oidx, :].T]).T
        vred = var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :] - pred_tot, axis=0) / var(dat_r[oidx + 1, :], axis=0)
    bs_augslip = vstack(bs_vred)[:, :3]
    # display results
    ax4 = fig.add_subplot(1,4,4)
    b41 = ax4.boxplot(bs_mdl, positions = arange(bs_mdl.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    b43 = ax4.boxplot(bs_augslip, positions = cidxr * .6 + .25)
    if submdl_ident:
        b42 = ax4.boxplot(bs_full[:, idx_mdl], positions = arange(len(idx_mdl)) * .6 + .275)
    ax4.set_title('state prediction after 1 stride using\n two steps for prediction\nred: ' + 
                  'reduced model\nblack: full state information')
    ax4.set_xticks(arange(bs_mdl.shape[1]) * .6 + .25)
    ax4.set_xticklabels(kdata_r.kin_labels, rotation='vertical')
    ax4.set_yticks(.1 * arange(12))
    ax4.plot(ax4.get_xlim(), [1, 1], 'k--')
    ax4.set_ylim(0, 1.15)
    return fig

def reord_idx(labels):
    returns indices for re-ordering dataset data such that first three columns are 
    CoM state (SLIP state) 

        labels [list]: a list of labels that describe the ordering of the columns. it is scanned for
        com_z (-> idx0) , v_com_x (-> idx2), v_com_y (idx1)

        idcs (array): an array of the size of labels that starts with [idx0, idx1, idx2] and
            contains all numbers from 0 to len(labels)-1.
            This can be used for indexing as in the example.

         re_ordered_data = original_data[:, reord_idx(kin_labels)]

    idx0 = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(labels) if val.lower() == 'com_z'][0]
    idx1 = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(labels) if val.lower() == 'v_com_y'][0]
    idx2 = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(labels) if val.lower() == 'v_com_x'][0]
    ridx = list(set(range(len(labels))) - set([idx0, idx1, idx2]))
    idcs = hstack([idx0, idx1, idx2, ridx])
    return idcs

def getPhase(state, system, nstride=10):
    computes the phase of the given SLIP system at the state "state".

        state [n-by-1 array]: the initial state of the system
        system [autonomous SLIP]: the dynamical system (SLIP model), obtained e.g. by
            *NOTE* the system must be stable!
        nstride [int]: number of strides to be simulated before convergence is assumed
        (phi0, T) [float, float]: the phase correspoding to the initial condition and the average 
            cycle duration 

    # run #nstride strides
    sim_t_d = [] 
    sim_s_d = []
    fs_d = array(state).copy()
    for rep in range(nstride):
        fs_d, (sim_t, sim_states) = system(fs_d)
        oldtime = 0
        if len(sim_t_d) > 0:
            oldtime = sim_t_d[-1][-1]
        sim_t_d.append(sim_t[:-1] + oldtime)
    sim_s_d.append(sim_states[-1, :][newaxis, :])
    sim_t_d.append(sim_t[-1] + oldtime)
    sim_s_d = vstack(sim_s_d)
    sim_t_d = hstack(sim_t_d)
    # assume that solution is now periodic -> simulate "reference" stride
    fs_f, (sim_t_ref, sim_states_ref) = system(fs_d)
    # now, compute phase (after simulation is completed)
    # at the end, phase is 0 (or 2pi) 
    # total amount of phase elaped is: (time / sim_t_ref) * 2pi
    phi_total = sim_t_d[-1] / sim_t_ref[-1] * (2*pi)
    # final phase is: nstride * 2pi
    final_phase = nstride * 2*pi
    initial_phase = final_phase - phi_total
    # disturbed phase is no:
    return initial_phase, sim_t_ref[-1]

def get_evScore(rmap, data, dims=3):
    This function returns the score of the dataset on the largest eigenvalues of the return map.
        rmap (d-by-d arrary): the return maps from which the eigenvalues will be computed
        data (n-by-d array): data from which the map was computed
        dims (int, optionally): number of largest ev's to consider
        sc (dims-by-n array): scores of the data projected to the highest eigenvalues
    ev, ew = eig(rmap)
    idcs = argsort(abs(ev))[::-1][:dims]
    return dot(ew[:, idcs].T, data.T).T

Step 1: import data

available workspaces:

  • ws1: generic workspace with KinData, SlipData and Dataset objects

to content

In [1]:


In [3]:
# cell_ID 1
# load kinematic data
ws1 = mio.saveable()
#ws1.k = mio.KinData(data_dir = '/home/moritz/data/2011-mmcl_mat/')
ws1.k = mio.KinData(data_dir = 'data/2011-mmcl_mat/')
ws1.k_doc = "generic kinematic data access object (empty selection)"
ws1.k.load(conf.subject, conf.ttype)
ws1.k_doc = "KinData object: s:" + str(conf.subject) + ", t:" + str(conf.ttype) + ", selection: ankles"
ws1.k.selection = ['r_anl_y - com_y', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 'com_z']

if conf.normalize_m:
    ws1.SlipData = [mio.normalize_m(mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                        'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                         (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep)))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]
    ws1.SlipData = [mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                        'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                         (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]

ws1.SlipData_doc = "SlipData for s:" + str(conf.subject) + ", t:" + str(conf.ttype)
if not conf.quiet:

# huge data selection, but not every dimension of every marker
ws1.full_markers = [ 'com_x', 'com_y',  'com_z', 'r_mtv_x - com_x',   
                    'r_anl_x - com_x',  'r_kne_x - com_x',
     'r_sia_x - com_x', 
     'l_mtv_x - com_x', 
     'l_anl_x - com_x', 'l_kne_x - com_x', 'l_sia_x - com_x',     
     'sacr_x - com_x', 
     'cvii_x - com_x', 'r_wrl_x - com_x',
     'r_elb_x - com_x', 'l_elb_x - com_x', 
     'l_wrl_x - com_x', 
     'r_anl_y - com_y', 'r_kne_y - com_y', 'r_trc_y - com_y', 
     'r_sia_y - com_y', 
     'sacr_y - com_y',  'l_anl_y - com_y',
     'l_kne_y - com_y', 'l_trc_y - com_y',
     'l_sia_y - com_y',
     'cvii_y - com_y',
     'r_hea_x - com_x', 'l_hea_x - com_x', 'r_hea_y - com_y', 'l_hea_y - com_y',
     'r_hea_z - com_z', 'l_hea_z - com_z',
     'r_elb_y - com_y',
     'r_acr_y - com_y', 'l_acr_y - com_y',
     'l_elb_y - com_y', 'r_mtv_z - com_z', 
     'r_anl_z - com_z', 
     'r_trc_z - com_z',
     'l_mtv_z - com_z', 
     'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_trc_z - com_z', 
     'sacr_z - com_z',  
     'r_wrl_z - com_z', 
     'r_acr_z - com_z', 'l_acr_z - com_z',
     'l_wrl_z - com_z']

ws1.full_markers_doc  = 'representative selection of markers for quasi-full state space information'
if not conf.quiet:
    print "len of 'ws1.full_markers':", len(ws1.full_markers), " (all: 84)"

ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers #all_markers

ws1.dataset_full = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full_doc = ("reference 'dataset' for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) +
    " with 'full' selection")

# "normalized" dataset: velocities scaled by small factor
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_r.copy()
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l = ws1.dataset_full.all_kin_l.copy()
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r[:, len(ws1.k.selection)-2:] /= 11.
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l[:, len(ws1.k.selection)-2:] /= 11.
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r -= mean(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r, axis=0)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l -= mean(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l, axis=0)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r_doc = "detrended 'all_kin_r'; velocity has been scaled by factor 1/11"
ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_l_doc = "detrended 'all_kin_l'; velocity has been scaled by factor 1/11"

if conf.startup_compute_full_maps:
    _, maps_1, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.dataset_full.s_kin_r, ws1.dataset_full.s_kin_l, nps=1, 
                           nrep=conf.startup_n_full_maps, rcond=1e-7)
    _, maps_2, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.dataset_full.s_kin_l[:-1, :], ws1.dataset_full.s_kin_r[1:, :],
                           nps=1, nrep=conf.startup_n_full_maps, rcond=1e-7, )
    ws1.maps_full = [dot(m2, m1) for m1, m2 in zip(maps_1, maps_2)]
    ws1.maps_full_doc = "return maps for 'full' selection model (2-section based)"

# --- --- extended consistency check
if not conf.quiet:
    print "\n running extended SLIP - EXP consistency check"
    print '=============================================='

    mass = median(ws1.dataset_full.masses)
    scales_l = std(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    scales_r = std(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    print "right steps:"
    i_ic = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[30::200, :]
    i_fs = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l[30::200, :]
    i_p = ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r[30::200, :]
    for IC, P, fs in zip(i_ic, i_p, i_fs):
        sim_fs = su.finalState(IC, P, {'m' : mass, 'g': -9.81})
        print "  difference (in stds): {:+.3f}, {:+.3f}, {:+.3f}".format( *(sim_fs - fs) / scales_l )

    print "left steps:"
    i_ic = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l[30::200, :]
    i_fs = ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[30+1::200, :]
    i_p = ws1.dataset_full.all_param_l[30::200, :]
    for IC, P, fs in zip(i_ic, i_p, i_fs):
        sim_fs = su.finalState(IC, P, {'m' : mass, 'g': -9.81})
        print "  difference (in stds): {:+.3f}, {:+.3f}, {:+.3f}".format( *(sim_fs - fs) / scales_r)
# --- --- END consistency check

if conf.startup_compute_full_maps and not conf.quiet:
    vi = ut.VisEig(127)
    for A in ws1.maps_full:
    title('EV distribution of "full" marker model')
    gca().set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1)
    gca().set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
    gca().set_ylabel('imaginary part')
    gca().set_xlabel('real part')

if conf.startup_compute_PCA and not conf.quiet:
    d1d = ws1.k.make_1D(nps=50,)[:, 100:]    
    d1m = mean(d1d, axis=0)
    d1d -= d1m
    u,s,v = svd(d1d, full_matrices=False)
    for pc in range(5):
        if pc==0:
            title('scores on the principal components of the motion')    
        plot(u.T[pc, :] / std(u.T[pc, :]),'k.')
        ylabel('pc #%i' % (pc+1))

pass # suppress output function calls

SlipData        list (6)         SlipData for s:2, t:1
_saveables      list (10)        list of types that can be stored
k               <class 'mutils.io.KinData'> KinData object: s:2, t:1, selection: ankles
len of 'ws1.full_markers': 48  (all: 84)

 running extended SLIP - EXP consistency check
right steps:
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, +0.000
left steps:
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, +0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): +0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, -0.000, -0.000
  difference (in stds): -0.000, +0.000, +0.000

In [ ]:
#--------- visualize largest eigenvectors
m = fda.meanMat(ws1.maps_full)
ev, ew = eig(m)
order = argsort(abs(ev))[::-1]
pcolor(abs(ew[:, order[:3]]).T)              
gca().set_xticks(arange(len(ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels)) + .5)
gca().set_xticklabels(ws1.dataset_full.kin_labels, rotation=90)
gca().set_yticks(arange(3) + .5)
gca().set_yticklabels(arange(3) + 1)
gca().set_ylabel('ordinal of eigenvector')
title("magnitude of eigenvectors to largest eigenvalues" + 
      "\nmag. of eigenvalues: " + '  '.join(['{0:.3g}'.format(x,) for x in abs(ev[order[:3]])]))

Step 2: sanity checks on new data

table of content

Cell 2.01 view $\dot{\phi}$(apex) as function of stride

In [6]:
p0 = [x['phi2'] for x in ws1.k.raw_dat]
# find phases "closest" to apex
pr = ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r
pl = ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_l
all_idx_r = []
all_idx_l = []
for ap, pa in zip(p0, pr):
    idx_r = []    
    for p in pa:
        idx_r.append(argmin(abs(p - ap)))
    print "rep. done"

for ap, pa in zip(p0, pl):
    idx_l = []    
    for p in pa:
        idx_l.append(argmin(abs(p - ap)))
    print "rep. done"
dpr = [diff(ap.squeeze())[idcx]*250 for ap, idcx in zip(p0, all_idx_r)] # 250: sampling rate
dpl = [diff(ap.squeeze())[idcx]*250 for ap, idcx in zip(p0, all_idx_l)]

plot(hstack(dpr), 'b.', label='right')
plot(hstack(dpl), 'g.', label='left')
title('subject {}: changes in phase velocity (at apex) over time'.format(conf.subject))
ylabel('phase velocity at apex [rad s$^{-1}$]')

# plot phase at apex
plot(mod(hstack(pr), 2*pi), 'b.', label='right')
plot(mod(hstack(pl), 2*pi) - pi, 'g.', label='left ($-\pi$)')
title('subject {}: changes in average phase at apex over time'.format(conf.subject))
ylabel('phase at apex [rad]')


rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done
rep. done

to content
goto step 3

simple stationarity test: plot step time over time

In [ ]:
phi1 = vstack(ws1.dataset.all_phi_r)
phi2 = vstack(ws1.dataset.all_phi_l)

In [7]:
if True: # skip cell? True=Execute
    if conf.normalize_m:
        SlipData = [mio.normalize_m(mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                        'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                         (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep)))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]
        SlipData = [mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                        'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                         (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]
    tr = []
    tl = []
    for s in SlipData:
        ridx = find(mod(s.phases, 2*pi) < pi)
        lidx = find(mod(s.phases, 2*pi) > pi)
    tr = hstack(tr)
    tl = hstack(tl)
    plot(tr, 'b.', label='right')
    plot(tl, 'g.', label='left')
    xlabel('stride number')
    ylabel('step time [s]')
    title('subject {}: changes in step time (frequency) over time'.format(conf.subject))
    savefig('tmp/tstep_s{}.png'.format(conf.subject), res=300)

Step 2.1: prepare data for visualization

In [ ]:
# select visualization dataset
nps=100 # frames per stride

if not 'k' in locals() or not type(k) == mio.KinData:
    k = mio.KinData(data_dir = 'data/2011-mmcl_mat/')

markers = [           
    ['r_mtv', 'r_hee', 'r_anl', 'r_kne', 'r_trc', 'r_sia', 'r_sip', 'sacr'],
    ['l_mtv', 'l_hee', 'l_anl', 'l_kne', 'l_trc', 'l_sia', 'l_sip', 'sacr'],
    ['sacr', 'cvii', 'r_hea', 'l_hea','cvii'],
    ['r_wrl', 'r_elb', 'r_acr', 'l_acr', 'l_elb', 'l_wrl'],

ymarkers = []
zmarkers = []
for elem in markers:
    ymarkers.append([x + '_y - com_y' for x in elem])
    zmarkers.append([x + '_z ' for x in elem])
all_markers = [ 'com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z']
for y in ymarkers:
for z in zmarkers:

k.selection = all_markers    
k.load(conf.subject, conf.ttype)

if not 'ws1' in locals():
    ws1 = mio.saveable()
    ws1.k = mio.KinData(data_dir = 'data/2011-mmcl_mat/')
    ws1.k_doc = "generic kinematic data access object (empty selection)"
    ws1.k.load(conf.subject, conf.ttype)
    if conf.normalize_m:
        ws1.SlipData = [mio.normalize_m(mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                            'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                             (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep)))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]
        ws1.SlipData = [mi.Struct(mio.mload(
                            'data/2011-mmcl_mat/SLIP/new/params3D_s%it%ir%i.dict' %
                             (conf.subject, conf.ttype, rep))) for rep in ws1.k.reps]

dataset = build_dataset(k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
d1d_vis = k.make_1D(nps=nps, phases_list=dataset.all_phases_r )

print "test dataset loaded for subj", conf.subject

Step 2.2: PCA on stride vector space

table of content

In [ ]:
if not 'dataset' in locals():
    d1d = k.make_1D(nps=50,)[:, 100:]
    print "warning: different phases and number of strides used!"
    d1d = k.make_1D(nps=50, phases_list=dataset.all_phases_r)[:, 100:]
#d1d = ws1.k.make_1D(nps=50,)[:, 100:]    
d1m = mean(d1d, axis=0)
d1d -= d1m
u,s,v = svd(d1d, full_matrices=False)
for pc in range(5):
    plot(u.T[pc, :] / std(u.T[pc, :]),'k.')
    ylabel('pc #%i' % (pc+1))

#savefig('tmp/pc-s%i.png' % conf.subject)

In [ ]:
# detrended principal components (!= pc's of detrended data)
pcdt = fda.dt_movingavg(u, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

thresh = 2.5 #3.5 # times std
ba = []
for pc in range(25):
    badidx = find(abs(pcdt.T[pc, :]) / std(pcdt.T[pc, :]) > thresh)    
    ba.append(badidx - 1) 

goodidx = fda.otheridx( hstack(ba), pcdt.shape[0])

for pc in range(5):
    plot(u.T[pc, :] / std(u.T[pc, :]),'k.')
    ylabel('pc #%i' % (pc+1))
    plot(goodidx, pcdt.T[pc, goodidx] / std(u.T[pc, :]),'r.')
    if pc == 0:        
        title('"good" indices marked in red')

In [ ]:
# make prediction test for all markers
d1d_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(d1d, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
res1 = st.predTest(d1d_dt[:-1, ::50], d1d_dt[1:, ::50], rcond=1e-3)

res2 = st.predTest(d1d_dt[goodidx[:-1], ::50], d1d_dt[goodidx[:-1]+1, ::50], rcond=1e-3, out_of_sample=True)
b1 = boxplot(vstack(res1))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(res2))
mi.recolor(b1, 'k')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
labels = k.selection[2:] + ['v_' + elem for elem in k.selection]
gca().set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90)
title('predictability for non-extreme data (red) vs all data (black)')


print "done; shapes:", d1d.shape[0], d1d_dt.shape[0]

Step 2.3: visualizations (animations)

In [ ]:
# preparations for the visualization
do_visualize = True
mean_gc = mean(d1d_vis, axis=0)
len_sct = [len(x) for x in markers]
tlen = sum(len_sct)

In [ ]:
# visualize selected strides

if do_visualize:
    s0=528 # first stride
    se=543 # last stride
    fig = figure('anim', figsize=(16,9))
    ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])    
    aframe=0 #counter
    # loop over these:
    for step in range(s0, se+1):
        for frame in range(nps):
            cnt = 3 # skip first three elements - they are CoM
            for sct in len_sct:
                x = []
                y = []
                xm = []
                ym = []
                sgm = []
                for mk in range(sct):
                    idxx0 = (mk + cnt)*nps + frame
                    idxy0 = (mk + cnt + tlen)*nps + frame
                    x.append(d1d_vis[step, idxx0])
                    y.append(d1d_vis[step, idxy0])
                # plot "treadmill" 
                fill([-1.5, 1.5, 1.5, -1.5], [0, 0, -.1, -.1], color='#b3b3df')
                #print sgm
                plot(xm, ym, 'o-', color='#30df70', linewidth=2)
                plot(x, y, 'ko-', alpha=.9)
                plot(0, mean_gc[nps*2 + frame], 'go', markersize=10)
                plot(0, d1d_vis[step, nps*2 + frame], 'ko', markersize=8, alpha=.75)
                cnt += sct
                text(-1.5, 1.5, ('subject: %i\nstride: %i\nframe: %i/%i' % (conf.subject,
                                                                   step, frame+1, nps,)))
                text(-1.2, 1.35, 'treadmill top view')
                pos = [-1.5, 1.05] # position of "treadmill top view" plot
                scale = .5 # scale of "treadmill top view"
                fill(array([0, 1.4, 1.4, 0])*scale + pos[0], array([.54, .54, 0, 0])*scale
                     + pos[1], 'w')
                plot(pos[0] + scale*d1d_vis[step, frame + nps],
                     pos[1] + scale*d1d_vis[step, frame], 'ro')
            ax.set_xlim(-1.6*1.3, 1.6*1.3)
            ax.set_ylim(-.1*1.3, 1.7*1.3)
            fig.savefig('tmp/frame_%04i.png' % aframe)
            aframe +=1
    # conversion into video on linux systems
    !avconv -y -r 15 -f image2 -i tmp/frame_%04d.png -vb 600k tmp/animstrides.ogg
    !rm tmp/frame*.png
print "done! tmp/animstrides.ogg written"

visualize two different "average" gait cycles

In [ ]:
# visualize two "average" gait cycles

mean_gc1 = mean(d1d_vis[:300, :], axis=0)
mean_gc2 = mean(d1d_vis[-300:, :], axis=0)

if do_visualize:
    fig = figure('anim', figsize=(16,9))
    ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])    
    aframe=0 #counter
    # loop over these:
    if True: # just for indentation
        for frame in range(nps):
            cnt = 3 # skip first three elements - they are CoM
            for sct in len_sct:
                x = []
                y = []
                xm = []
                ym = []
                sgm = []
                for mk in range(sct):
                    idxx0 = (mk + cnt)*nps + frame
                    idxy0 = (mk + cnt + tlen)*nps + frame
                # plot "treadmill" 
                fill([-1.5, 1.5, 1.5, -1.5], [0, 0, -.1, -.1], color='#b3b3df')
                #print sgm
                plot(xm, ym, 'o-', color='#30df70', linewidth=2)
                plot(x, y, 'ko-', alpha=.9)
                cnt += sct
                text(-1.5, 1.5, ('subject: %i\nframe: %i/%i' % (conf.subject, frame+1, nps,)))
            ax.set_xlim(-1.6*1.3, 1.6*1.3)
            ax.set_ylim(-.1*1.3, 1.7*1.3)

            fig.savefig('tmp/frame2avg_%04i.png' % aframe)
            aframe +=1
    # conversion into video on linux systems
    !avconv -y -r 15 -f image2 -i tmp/frame2avg_%04d.png -vb 600k tmp/avgs.ogg
    !rm tmp/frame2avg_*.png
print "done! tmp/avgs.ogg written"

In [ ]:
# this is only interesting for subject #3, plotting pc2 vs pc3
if conf.subject==3:
    plot(u.T[2, :], u.T[3, :], '.')

In [ ]:
# visualize selected PC

if do_visualize:

    pc = 4 # select which principal component of the motion to visualize (0-based)
    # d1m: mean gait cycle    
    mov_pc = d1m + s[pc]*v[pc, :]
    fig = figure('animpc', figsize=(16,9))
    ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
    aframe=0 # counter
    # loop over these:
    if True: # dummy, for indentation
        for frame in range(50):
            cnt = 1 # skip first element - this is vertical CoM position
            for sct in len_sct:
                x = []
                y = []
                xm = []
                ym = []
                sgm = []
                for mk in range(sct):
                    idxx0 = (mk + cnt)*50 + frame
                    idxy0 = (mk + cnt + tlen)*50 + frame
                plot(xm, ym, 'ko-', linewidth=2)
                plot(x, y, 'o-', alpha=.9, color='#df4070')
                cnt += sct
                text(-1.5, 1.5, ('subject: %i\n pc: %i\n (nps: 50)' % (conf.subject, pc) ))
            ax.set_xlim(-1.6*1.5, 1.6*1.5)
            ax.set_ylim(-.1*1.5, 1.7*1.5)
            fig.savefig('tmp/framepc_%04i.png' % aframe)
            aframe +=1
    # conversion into video on linux systems
    !avconv -y -r 15 -f image2 -i tmp/framepc_%04d.png -vb 600k tmp/pc.ogg
    !rm tmp/framepc_*.png
print "done! tmp/pc.ogg written"

test predictability of individual markers

In [ ]:
d1d_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(d1d, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
res = st.predTest(d1d_dt[:-1, ::50], d1d_dt[1:, ::50], rcond=1e-3)
labels = k.selection[2:] + ['v_' + elem for elem in k.selection]
gca().set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90)
print "done"

test if the eigenvectors are aligned with the principal components at section 0

NOTE: it is assumed that an svd of d1d has been performed, and is stored in u,s,v

In [ ]:
# compute return maps for same data

_, maps1, idcs = fda.fitData(d1d_dt[:-1, ::50], d1d_dt[:-1, 25::50], nps=1, rcond=1e-5, nrep=100)
_, maps2, idcs = fda.fitData(d1d_dt[:-1, 25::50], d1d_dt[1:, ::50], nps=1, rcond=1e-5, nrep=100)

maps = [dot(x,y) for x,y in zip(maps2, maps1)]

vi = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in maps:

fig = figure('sect. 2.3 ev of data', figsize=(9,9))
title('eigenvalues of the 1st return map')
for ev in eig(fda.meanMat(maps))[0]:
    plot(ev.real, ev.imag, 'ro')


In [ ]:
# plot histogram of angle distribution between random vectors in R^n (here: n=112)
# technically, the average scalar product can be computed analytically, when we assume
# that the variance is spread equally randomly over all axes
if False:
    angs = []
    for rep in range(1000):
        a,b = randn(112), randn(112)
        a /= norm(a)
        b /= norm(b)
    xlabel('cosine (a,b)')
    title('angle between two random vectors in $R^{112}$')

In [ ]:
# plot magnitude of projection of principal components at sct #0 on first eigenvectors
ev, ew = eig(fda.meanMat(maps))
order_idx = argsort(abs(ev))[::-1]
ew_s = ew[:, order_idx] # sorted eigenvectors, according to EV magnitude
allval = []
for n in range(5):
    pc_direction = v[n, ::50].copy()
    pc_direction /= norm(pc_direction)
    vals = []
    for evnr in range(20):
        vals.append(abs(dot(pc_direction, ew_s[:, evnr])))
allval = vstack(allval).T
for n in range(allval.shape[1]):
    plot(allval[:, n], 'd', label='PC #%i' % (n+1))
title('magnitude of dot product of first 5 PCs on "largest" 20 EVs')
xlabel('ordinal of eigenvector (ordered by EV magnitude)')
ylabel(r'$||\vec{PC} \cdot \vec{EV}||$')

In [4]:
## prepare data
# cell_ID 3

# *NOTE* the first three labels have to be "com_x", "com_y", "com_z". If you edit this, make sure to edit
# the cell where data are further processed...
ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers
ws1.k_doc =  "KinData object: s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + ", selection: 'full'"

ws1.dataset = ws1.dataset_full
ws1.dataset_doc = ws1.dataset_full_doc

if not conf.quiet:
    # another consistency check
    stepnr = 698 # select any stride between 0 and ~1800 (subject dependend)
    mass = mean([d.mass for d in ws1.SlipData])
    # su.finalState actually performs a one-step integration of SLIP
    print "consistency check:"
    print "------------------"
    print "simres  [right step]:", su.finalState(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r[stepnr, :], 
                                                 ws1.dataset.all_param_r[stepnr, :], 
                                                 {'m' : mean(ws1.dataset.masses), 'g' : -9.81})
    print "subsequent left apex:", ws1.dataset.all_IC_l[stepnr, :]
    print "==========="
    print "simres    [left step]:", su.finalState(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l[stepnr, :], 
                                                  ws1.dataset.all_param_l[stepnr, :], 
                                                  {'m' : mean(ws1.dataset.masses), 'g' : -9.81})
    print "subsequent right apex:", ws1.dataset.all_IC_r[stepnr + 1, :]

consistency check:
simres  [right step]: [ 1.01590668  2.82851627 -0.09268155]
subsequent left apex: [ 1.01590667  2.8285163  -0.09268154]
simres    [left step]: [  1.01110910e+00   2.81305039e+00  -1.04477088e-03]
subsequent right apex: [  1.01110897e+00   2.81305086e+00  -1.04482628e-03]

Step 3.1: compute factors and score

step 3: find minimal predictors
to content

Select factors and dimensions of reduced model(s)

In [5]:
# cell_ID 3.1
# Here, the main predictors ("directions") are computed. This is computationally quite fast
if conf.exclude_IC_from_factors:
    # indices that do *not* represent CoM (only relative positions, indicated by "minus" sign)
    sel_idx = array([nr for nr, label in enumerate(ws1.dataset.kin_labels) if '-' in label])
    ws1.facs_r_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a right step excluding CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
    ws1.facs_l_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a left step excluding CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))

    sel_idx = arange(len(ws1.dataset.kin_labels))
    ws1.facs_r_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a right step including CoM, s:" +
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
    ws1.facs_l_doc = ("directions of 'factors' for a left step including CoM, s:" + 
                      str(ws1.k.subject) + ", t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype))
ws1.facs_labels = [ws1.dataset.kin_labels[x] for x in sel_idx]
ws1.facs_labels_doc = "kinematic labels for the components of the 'factors'"
ws1.facs_r = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_r.T, k=conf.n_factors)
ws1.facs_l = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_l.T, k=conf.n_factors)

ws1.fscore_r = dot(ws1.facs_r.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T).T
ws1.fscore_r_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (right)"
ws1.fscore_l = dot(ws1.facs_l.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T).T
ws1.fscore_l_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (left)"

ws1.raw_factor_space_r = ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx]
ws1.raw_factor_space_l = ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx]
ws1.raw_factor_space_l_doc = "part of state space used for computing the 'factors'"
ws1.raw_factor_space_l_doc = "part of state space used for computing the 'factors'"

# ---------------------visualize
if not conf.quiet:
    gca().set_xticks(arange(len(ws1.facs_labels)) + .5)
    gca().set_xticklabels(ws1.facs_labels, rotation=90)
    title('magnitude of the factors')
    gca().set_yticks(arange(ws1.facs_r.shape[1]) + .5)
    gca().set_yticklabels(arange(ws1.facs_r.shape[1]) + 1)
    gca().set_ylabel('factor #')

Step 3.1.1: Compute Factor direction out-of-sample

(moved to separate notebook)
step 3: find minimal predictors
to content


  • split data D, parameter P into regression part Dr, Pr and prediction part Dp, Pp
  • on Dr, do:
    • compute factor direction B (B projects from Dr to 5-dim factors)
    • compute regression map A (maps from B * DR to Pr)
  • on Dp, do:
    • project Dp on B (B * Dp)
    • predict Pp by A B Dp

problem: The map A * B should be identical with the (single) map of a full state model

Step 3.2: Define reduced state space and compute EV of full state model and "factors-" model

step 3: find minimal predictors
to content

In [6]:
factor_mdl = 1 # 1: factors, CoM; 2: factors, CoM, phase at apex 3: only factors

# cell_ID 3.2

if factor_mdl == 1:  # reduced model: IC, factors
    ws1.reddat_r = hstack([ws1.fscore_r, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r,
                                                          conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter) /
                           std(fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r, conf.dt_window, 
                                                conf.dt_medfilter), axis=0)])
    ws1.reddat_l = hstack([ws1.fscore_l, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, 
                                                          conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter) / 
                           std(fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, conf.dt_window,
                                                conf.dt_medfilter), axis=0)])
elif factor_mdl ==2: # as above + phases at apex mod 2pi
    pr = mod(hstack(ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r), 2*pi)
    pl = mod(hstack(ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_l), 2*pi)
    pr = fda.dt_movingavg(pr[:, newaxis], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    pl = fda.dt_movingavg(pl[:, newaxis], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    ws1.reddat_r = hstack([ws1.fscore_r, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r,
                                                          conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter) /
                                                conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), axis=0),
    ws1.reddat_l = hstack([ws1.fscore_l, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, 
                                                          conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter) / 
                                                conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), axis=0),
elif factor_mdl == 3: # factors only
    ws1.reddat_r = ws1.fscore_r
    ws1.reddat_l = ws1.fscore_l
    raise ValueError("Invalid factor-model selected!")
if not conf.quiet:
    print "states computed"

states computed

In [7]:
ws1.reddat_r_doc = "reduced data model: [factors; CoM (z, vx, vy; normalized)].T (right)"
ws1.reddat_l_doc = "reduced data model: [factors; CoM (z, vx, vy; normalized)].T (right)"

_, maps_1, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.reddat_r, ws1.reddat_l, nps=1, nrep=200, rcond=1e-7)
_, maps_2, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.reddat_l[:-1, :], ws1.reddat_r[1:, :], nps=1, nrep=200,
                           rcond=1e-7, )
maps_red = [dot(m2, m1) for m1, m2 in zip(maps_1, maps_2)]

# visualize
vi_full = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in ws1.maps_full:

vi_red = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in maps_red:

xlabel('real part')
ylabel('imaginary part')

title('subj. {}: eigenvalues of full dim. Floquet model'.format(conf.subject))
xlabel('real part')
ylabel('imaginary part')
title('subj. {}: eigenvalues of CoM + {} factors'.format(conf.subject, conf.n_factors))

pass # suppress output of last command

Step 3.3: test different explicit models:

step 3: find minimal predictors
step 3.3.1: model 1 (x,y,vx,vy) both ankles
step 3.3.2: model 2 : swing leg ankle
step 3.3.3: model 3 : ankle + tilt indicator
step 3.3.4: model 4 : CoM + factors
to content

things to predict:

  1. SLIP parameters
  2. CoM state (actually: this is included in the autonomy-prediction)
  3. Autonomy of system

NOTE There are two different approaches to test the 1-stride autonomy:

  1. Predict state after 1 stride directly from input data (here: "1 stage prediction")
  2. Predict state after 1 step, use prediction to predict state after next step (here: "2 stages prediction").

NOTE The coordinate system here is:
x - lateral
y - anterior
z - vertical

step 3.3.2: model 2: swing ankle full state (swing leg: leg that will contact next)

step 3: find minimal predictors
step 3.7: test different explicit models
to content

include lateral information: state + velocity of upcoming stance leg

In [ ]:
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x',] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_anl_x - com_x',] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsl = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = ("KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" +
             str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with a 'ankles' selection")

d1 = fda.dt_movingavg(tmp_dsr.all_kin_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
d2 = fda.dt_movingavg(tmp_dsl.all_kin_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
_, m1, _ = fda.fitData(d1,d2,1, nrep=200, rcond=1e-6)
_, m2, _ = fda.fitData(d1,d2,1, nrep=200, rcond=1e-6)
maps = [reduce(dot, [mb, ma]) for ma, mb in zip(m1, m2)]
vi = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in maps:
xlabel('real part')
ylabel('imaginary part')
title('subj. {}: eigenvalues of (unilat.) ankle SLIP'.format(conf.subject))

pass # suppress output

In [ ]:
# here: use only information from leg that will touchdown next 
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x',] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_anl_x - com_x',] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsl = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = ("KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" +
             str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with a 'ankles' selection")

fig = test_model(tmp_dsr, tmp_dsl, ws1.dataset, out_of_sample=True)

In [ ]:
# here: use only a/p information from leg that will touchdown next 
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                   ] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 
                  ] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
tmp_dsl = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = ("KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" +
             str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with a 'ankles' selection")

fig = test_model(tmp_dsr, tmp_dsl, ws1.dataset, out_of_sample=True)

step 3.3.3: model 4: swing ankle only + tilt indicator

The "tilt indicator" is actually only a set of two additional markers: neck and sacral marker
step 3: find minimal predictors
step 3.7: test different explicit models
to content

In [ ]:
# here: use only information from leg that will touchdown next 
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x', 'cvii_y - com_y', 'sacr_y - com_y']
tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 
                   'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_anl_x - com_x', 'cvii_y - com_y', 'sacr_y - com_y']
tmp_dsl = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = ("KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" +
             str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with a 'ankles' selection")

#fig = test_model(tmp_dsr, tmp_dsl, ws1.dataset_full)
fig = test_model(tmp_dsr, tmp_dsl, ws1.dataset, out_of_sample=True)

step 3.3.4: model 4 "CoM + factors"

In this current version, the prediciton test is performed manually

step 3: find minimal predictors
step 3.7: test different explicit models
to content

In [11]:
out_of_sample = True # predict out of sample?
r1a = st.predTest(ws1.reddat_r, ws1.reddat_l, out_of_sample=out_of_sample)
r1b = st.predTest(ws1.dataset.s_kin_r, ws1.reddat_l, out_of_sample=out_of_sample)
r2a = st.predTest(ws1.dataset.s_kin_r, ws1.dataset.s_param_r, out_of_sample=out_of_sample)
r2b = st.predTest(ws1.reddat_r, ws1.dataset.s_param_r, out_of_sample=out_of_sample)
r2c = st.predTest(hstack([ws1.dataset.all_IC_r[1:,:], ws1.dataset.s_param_l[:-1,:]]),
                  ws1.dataset.s_param_r[1:,:], out_of_sample=out_of_sample)

b1 = boxplot(vstack(r1a))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(r1b))
gca().set_xticks(arange(conf.n_factors + 3) + 1)
gca().set_xticklabels(['factor {}'.format(x) for x in arange(conf.n_factors) + 1] + ['com_z', 'v_com_x', 'v_com_y'],
gca().set_ylabel('rel. rem. Variance')
title('\n'.join(['subject {}: model self-prediction (consistency)'.format(conf.subject), 
                 'black: full state', 'red: CoM {} factors'.format(conf.n_factors)]))

b1 = boxplot(vstack(r2a))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(r2b))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(r2c))
gca().set_xticklabels([r'k', r'$\alpha$', r'$L_0$', r'$\beta$', r'$\Delta E$'])
gca().set_ylabel('rel. rem. Variance')
title('\n'.join(['subject {}: SLIP parameter prediction'.format(conf.subject), 'green: augmented SLIP',
                 'black: full state', 'red: CoM {} factors'.format(conf.n_factors)]))

pass #suppress output

Step 4: Create controlled SLIP (forward simulation)

step 4.1: find periodic solution
step 4.2a: create autonomous factors-slip system
step 4.2b: create autonomous ankle-slip system
step 4.2c: create autonomous model (augmented-SLIP)
step 4.2d: create autonomous model (fullstate-SLIP)
Step 4.3: compare eigenvalues of kinematics and models

to content


Step 3 (for factors and scores on factors)

The closed loop model reads as follows:

Step 1 ("right"):
state = [IC; Factors] where IC = initial CoM state at apex
params = P1 * state where P is a regression from data
new_state = [ode(IC, params); Q1 * [IC; Factors]] where Q is a regressed map from data

Step 2 ("left"):
state = [IC; Factors] where IC = initial CoM state at apex params = P2 * state where P is a regression from data new_state = [ode(IC, params); Q2 * [IC; Factors]] where Q is a regressed map from data

stage 1: find periodic solution

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content

Approach 1: find periodic solution that corresponds to the average parameters, and verify that it's close to the average initial conditions.
Approach 2: find periodic solution that corresponds to the average initial conditions (and time and ymin), and verify that the corresponding parameters are close to the average parameters

to select approach 1 or 2, go to the "init" block at the top of this notebook

In [8]:
# cell_ID 4
ws1.cslip = mio.saveable()
ws1.cslip_doc = "'subdirectory' for the controlled SLIP that corresponds to the Floquet data"

ws1.cslip.mean_pr = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r, axis=0)
ws1.cslip.mean_pr_doc = "average parameter for right leg"
ws1.cslip.mean_pl = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_l, axis=0)
ws1.cslip.mean_pl_doc = "average parameter for left leg"
ws1.cslip.mean_ICr = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)
ws1.cslip.mean_ICr_doc = "mean CoM apex state right"
ws1.cslip.mean_ICl = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)
ws1.cslip.mean_ICl_doc = "mean CoM apex state left"
ws1.cslip.mass = mean(ws1.dataset_full.masses)
ws1.cslip.mass_doc = "mass of SLIP (mean mass of subject over all datasets)"

if not conf.po_average_over_IC: # average parameters, compute corresponding periodic solution
    raise NotImplementedError, ("ERROR: periodic solution for average parameters " + 
                                "not tested for new SLIP implementation!")
    ws1.cslip.mean_pl[4] = -ws1.cslip.mean_pr[4] # set total energy change to exactly zero. 
    # Note: typically, the difference is low, roughly ~0.01 J 
    ws1.cslip.ICp_r, ws1.cslip.ICp_l = su.getPeriodicOrbit_p(ws1.cslip.mean_pr, ws1.cslip.mean_pl,
                     aug_dict={'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g' : -9.81}, startState=ws1.cslip.mean_ICr)
    ws1.cslip.ICp_r_doc = "initial conditions (r) for periodic solution (mean-parameter periodic)"
    ws1.cslip.ICp_l_doc = "initial conditions (l) for periodic solution (mean-parameter periodic)"
    ws1.cslip.Pp_r = ws1.cslip.mean_pr
    ws1.cslip.Pp_l = ws1.cslip.mean_pl
    ws1.cslip.Pp_r_doc = "parameters (r) for periodic solution (mean-parameter periodic)"
    ws1.cslip.Pp_l_doc = "parameters (l) for periodic solution (mean-parameter periodic)"

else: # average initial conditions, compute corresponding periodic solution
    #[ws1.cslip.ICp_r, Pp_r, dE_r], [ws1.cslip.ICp_l, Pp_l, dE_l] = su.getPeriodicOrbit(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r,
    #     vstack(ws1.dataset_full.TR), vstack(ws1.dataset_full.yminR), 
    #     ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, vstack(ws1.dataset_full.TL), 
    #     vstack(ws1.dataset_full.yminL), baseParams ={'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g' : -9.81}, 
    #     startParams=mean(vstack(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r), axis=0)[:4])

    m = ws1.cslip.mass
    ICr = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    FSr = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    yminr = mean(vstack(ws1.dataset_full.yminR))
    Tr = mean(vstack(ws1.dataset_full.TR))

    ICl = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    FSl = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    yminl = mean(vstack(ws1.dataset_full.yminL))
    Tl = mean(vstack(ws1.dataset_full.TL))

    mpr = mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r, axis=0)

    pr, pl = su.getPeriodicOrbit2(ICr, Tr, yminr, ICl, Tl, yminl, m, startParams=mpr)
    ws1.cslip.ICp_r = ICr
    ws1.cslip.ICp_l = ICl
    ws1.cslip.ICp_r_doc = "initial conditions (r) for periodic solution (mean-IC periodic)"
    ws1.cslip.ICp_l_doc = "initial conditions (l) for periodic solution (mean-IC periodic)"
    # change last element to be energy input - this is consistent with the format used in the rest of the code
    #Pp_r = array(Pp_r)
    #Pp_l = array(Pp_l)
    #Pp_r[4] = dE_r
    #ws1.cslip.Pp_r = Pp_r[:5].copy()
    #Pp_l[4] = dE_l
    #Pp_l = Pp_l[:5]
    #ws1.cslip.Pp_l = Pp_l[:5].copy()

    ws1.cslip.Pp_r = pr.copy()
    ws1.cslip.Pp_l = pl.copy()
    ws1.cslip.Pp_r_doc = "parameters (r) for periodic solution (mean-IC periodic)"
    ws1.cslip.Pp_l_doc = "parameters (l) for periodic solution (mean-IC periodic)"


#verify periodicity

if not conf.quiet:
    sr1 = su.finalState(ws1.cslip.ICp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_r, addDict = {'m' : ws1.cslip.mass, 'g' : -9.81})
    sl1 = su.finalState(ws1.cslip.ICp_l, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, addDict = {'m' : ws1.cslip.mass, 'g' : -9.81})
    print "\n S A N I T Y   C H E C K:\n"
    print "difference between identified periodic orbit and simulation results:"
    print "left apex:", sr1 - ws1.cslip.ICp_l
    print "right apex:", sl1 - ws1.cslip.ICp_r
    print '\n===========================================================\n'
    print "Deviation from periodic orbit to average apex state, in units of standard deviations:"
    print "           [height, horizontal speed, lateral speed]"
    print "left step: ", (ws1.cslip.ICp_l - mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)) / std(
                                                ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l, axis=0)
    print "right step:", (ws1.cslip.ICp_r - mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)) / std(
                                                ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r, axis=0)
    print '\n===========================================================\n'
    print "relative deviation from periodic parameters to mean parameters,"
    print "in units of standard deviation of parameters"
    print "[k, alpha, l0, beta, deltaE]"
    print (ws1.cslip.Pp_l - mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_l, axis=0)) / std(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_l, axis=0)
    print (ws1.cslip.Pp_r - mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r, axis=0)) / std(ws1.dataset_full.all_param_r, axis=0)

Step 4.2a: create autonomous model (factors-based)

  • get reference state
  • compute parameter prediction maps ("controller") and "factors" propagators
  • create autonomous system

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content

In [13]:
# create factor-model (new code)
# cell_ID 4.2a

states_r = hstack([ws1.dataset.all_IC_r, ws1.fscore_r ])
states_l = hstack([ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, ws1.fscore_l ])

# indices for regression (bypasses bootstrap)
if not 'indices_' in locals():
    indices_ = None

if not conf.po_average_over_IC:
    raise NotImplementedError("FACTPR-SLIP for (average-param) periodic solution not yet implemented!")
    # create controlled ankle slip manually (see "fac_slip" above)
    # the getControlMaps - function internally computes the reference solution based upon average ICs!

cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(states_r, states_l, ws1.dataset, conf, indices=indices_)
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (right)"
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (left)"
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state for factor slip (right)"
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state for factor slip (left)"
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r = nmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l = nmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r_doc = ("discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) " + 
                                  "(here: slip parameter themselves)")
ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l_doc = ("discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) " + 
                                  "(here: slip parameter themselves)")

ws1.cslip.fac_slip = get_auto_sys(ws1.cslip.Pp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r,
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l, 
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l, {'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g':-9.81})

ws1.cslip.fac_slip_doc = "stride function of the autonomous controlled SLIP model ('factor slip')"

In [9]:
# create factor-model
# old code
# cell_ID old_4.2a

if False: # do not run old code
    # indices for regression (bypasses bootstrap)
    if not 'indices_' in locals():
        indices_ = None
    dt_fstate_r = hstack([fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_r, 
                                           conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), ws1.fscore_r])
    dt_fstate_l = hstack([fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, 
                                           conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), ws1.fscore_l])
    if conf.cslip_forceZeroRef:
        dt_fstate_r -= mean(dt_fstate_r, axis=0)
        dt_fstate_l -= mean(dt_fstate_l, axis=0)
    # compute parameter prediction maps
    _, all_ctrl_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fstate_r, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_param_r, 
                                                                 conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), nps=1, 
                                   nrep=200, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
    _, all_ctrl_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fstate_l, fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.dataset.all_param_l, 
                                                                 conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter), nps=1,
                                   nrep=200, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_r)
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_l)
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "mapping from full model state (minus reference) to SLIP parameters (right)"
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "mapping from full model state (minus reference) to SLIP parameters (left)"
    # compute factors prediction maps - "propagators" of factor's state
    _, all_facprop_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fstate_r, ws1.fscore_l, nps=1, nrep=200, sections=[0,], rcond=1e-8)
    _, all_facprop_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fstate_l[:-1, :], ws1.fscore_r[1:, :], nps=1, nrep=200, sections=[0,],
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r = fda.meanMat(all_facprop_r)
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l = fda.meanMat(all_facprop_l)
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) (here: factors)"
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) (here: factors)"
    # set this to zero to force "zero" as reference for the fscores!
    allow_nonzero_ref = 0. if conf.cslip_forceZeroRef else 1. 
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r = hstack(
        [ws1.cslip.ICp_r, allow_nonzero_ref * mean(ws1.fscore_r, axis=0)]) # the latter should be zero anyway
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l = hstack(
        [ws1.cslip.ICp_l, allow_nonzero_ref * mean(ws1.fscore_l, axis=0)]) # the latter should be zero anyway
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state (periodic): [IC; scores on factos] (right)"
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state (periodic): [IC; scores on factos] (left)"
    # create autonomous "factor-based" SLIP model
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip = get_auto_sys(ws1.cslip.Pp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, 
            ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_l, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_r,
            ws1.cslip.fac_slip_ctrl_l, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_r, ws1.cslip.fac_slip_dprop_l, 
            {'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g':-9.81})
    ws1.cslip.fac_slip_doc = "stride function of the controlled SLIP model ('factors')"

In [10]:
std(dt_fstate_r, axis=0)

array([ 0.00572213,  0.03684847,  0.03615607,  0.36779917,  0.49920818,
        1.28468315,  0.78155199,  1.03215511])

In [11]:

array([ 1.0102424 ,  2.86987268, -0.04939942])

In [12]:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-2e039cdf5f35> in <module>()
----> 1 getControlMaps(ws1.dataset_full)

TypeError: getControlMaps() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)

In [15]:
IC = ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r
t = ws1.cslip.fac_slip

def multirun(fun, IC, n):
    res = array(IC)
    for rep in range(n):
        res = fun(res)
    return res

print multirun(t, IC, 20) - IC

[ -3.39540256e-08   4.14121979e-07   3.62147439e-06  -1.00660209e-05
   9.20732665e-05  -2.23355120e-05  -9.49608588e-05  -9.21613673e-06]

In [16]:
cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(dt_fstate_r, dt_fstate_l, dataset_r, conf)
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (right)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (left)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state for ankle slip (right)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state for ankle slip (left)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_r = nmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_l = nmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_r_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) (here: ankles)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_l_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) (here: ankles)"

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-2cab32334e59> in <module>()
----> 1 cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(dt_fstate_r, dt_fstate_l, dataset_r, conf)
      2 ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
      3 ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
      4 ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
      5 ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])

NameError: name 'dataset_r' is not defined

In [42]:
std(ws1.fscore_r, axis=0)

array([ 0.42305918,  0.46041519,  1.25023387,  1.02977163,  0.83688472])

Step 4.2b: create autonomous model (ankle-SLIP)

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content

In [17]:
# cell_ID 4.2b

# indices for regression (bypasses bootstrap)
if not 'indices_' in locals():
    indices_ = None

ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x']
dataset_r = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_anl_x - com_x']
dataset_l= build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = "KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with left ankle"

states_r = dataset_r.all_kin_r[:, reord_idx(dataset_r.kin_labels)]
states_l = dataset_l.all_kin_l[:, reord_idx(dataset_l.kin_labels)]

# --- add belt speed
vbelt = .5 *( mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[:,1]) - mean(states_r[:,1]) + 
              mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l[:,1]) - mean(states_l[:,1]))

states_r[:,1] += vbelt
states_l[:,1] += vbelt

if not conf.po_average_over_IC:
    raise NotImplementedError("Ankle-SLIP for (average-param) periodic solution not yet implemented!")
    # create controlled ankle slip manually (see "fac_slip" above)
    # the getControlMaps - function internally computes the reference solution based upon average ICs!

cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(states_r, states_l, dataset_r, conf, indices=indices_)
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (right)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (left)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state for ankle slip (right)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state for ankle slip (left)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_r = nmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_l = nmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_r_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) (here: ankles)"
ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_l_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) (here: ankles)"

ws1.cslip.ankle_slip = get_auto_sys(ws1.cslip.Pp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r,
    ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_l, ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_r, ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_ctrl_l, 
    ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_r, ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_dprop_l, {'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g':-9.81})

ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_doc = "stride function of the autonomous controlled SLIP model ('ankle slip')"

Step 4.2c: create autonomous model (augmented-SLIP)

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content

In [18]:
# strictly speaking, the first element is invalid ...
# cell_ID 4.2c
states_r = hstack([ws1.dataset.all_IC_r, roll(ws1.dataset.s_param_l, 1, axis=0) ])
states_l = hstack([ws1.dataset.all_IC_l, ws1.dataset.s_param_r ])

if not 'indices_' in locals():
    indices_ = None

if not conf.po_average_over_IC:
    raise NotImplementedError("Augmented-SLIP for (average-param) periodic solution not yet implemented!")
    # create controlled ankle slip manually (see "fac_slip" above)
    # the getControlMaps - function internally computes the reference solution based upon average ICs!

cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(states_r, states_l, ws1.dataset, conf, indices=indices_)
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (right)"
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (left)"
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state for augmented slip (right)"
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state for augmented slip (left)"
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_r = nmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_l = nmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_r_doc = ("discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) " + 
                                  "(here: slip parameter themselves)")
ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_l_doc = ("discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) " + 
                                  "(here: slip parameter themselves)")

ws1.cslip.aug_slip = get_auto_sys(ws1.cslip.Pp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_r,
    ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_l, ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_r, ws1.cslip.aug_slip_ctrl_l, 
    ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_r, ws1.cslip.aug_slip_dprop_l, {'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g':-9.81})

ws1.cslip.aug_slip_doc = "stride function of the autonomous controlled SLIP model ('augmented slip')"

Step 4.2d: create autonomous model (fullstate-SLIP)

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content

In [ ]:
# cell_ID 4.2d

# indices for regression (bypasses bootstrap)
if not 'indices_' in locals():
    indices_ = None

ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers
dataset_full = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = "KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with full markers"

states_r = dataset_full.all_kin_r[:, reord_idx(dataset_full.kin_labels)]
states_l = dataset_full.all_kin_l[:, reord_idx(dataset_full.kin_labels)]

# --- add belt speed
vbelt = .5 *( mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[:,1]) - mean(states_r[:,1]) + 
              mean(ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_l[:,1]) - mean(states_l[:,1]))

states_r[:, 1] += vbelt
states_l[:, 1] += vbelt

if not conf.po_average_over_IC:
    raise NotImplementedError("Ankle-SLIP for (average-param) periodic solution not yet implemented!")
    # create controlled ankle slip manually (see "fac_slip" above)
    # the getControlMaps - function internally computes the reference solution based upon average ICs!

cmaps, nmaps, refs = getControlMaps(states_r, states_l, dataset_r, conf, indices=indices_)
ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_r = cmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_l = cmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_r = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_r, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_l = hstack([ws1.cslip.ICp_l, zeros(states_r.shape[1] - 3)])
ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_r_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (right)"
ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_l_doc = "control map: full state (minus reference) -> slip parameter (left)"
ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_r_doc = "reference state for fullstate slip (right)"
ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_l_doc = "reference state for fullstate slip (left)"
ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_r = nmaps[0].copy()
ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_l = nmaps[1].copy()
ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_r_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (right) (here: fs)"
ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_l_doc = "discrete 1-step propagator of additional states (left) (here: fs)"

ws1.cslip.full_slip = get_auto_sys(ws1.cslip.Pp_r, ws1.cslip.Pp_l, ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_r,
    ws1.cslip.full_slip_refstate_l, ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_r, ws1.cslip.full_slip_ctrl_l, 
    ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_r, ws1.cslip.full_slip_dprop_l, {'m': ws1.cslip.mass, 'g':-9.81})

ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_doc = "stride function of the autonomous controlled SLIP model ('fullstate slip')"

Step 4.3: compare eigenvalues of kinematics and models

step 4: create controlled SLIP
to content
also, visualize eigenvalues and eigenvalues of the "reduced" discrete model

In [19]:
# skip floquet model (re-)computation?
quick_run = True # skip floquet model eigenvalue computation if already exists in workspace
# cell_ID 4.3
# eigenvalues for factor slip
J1 = []
h = .001
f = ws1.cslip.fac_slip
for elem in range(len(ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r)):
    IC = ws1.cslip.fac_slip_refstate_r.copy()
    IC[elem] += h
    fsp = f(IC)
    IC[elem] -= 2*h
    fsn = f(IC)
    J1.append((fsp - fsn) / (2.*h))
J1 = vstack(J1).T

# eigenvalues for ankle slip
J2 = []
h = .001
f = ws1.cslip.ankle_slip
for elem in range(len(ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r)):
    IC = ws1.cslip.ankle_slip_refstate_r.copy()
    IC[elem] += h
    fsp = f(IC)
    IC[elem] -= 2*h
    fsn = f(IC)
    J2.append((fsp - fsn) / (2.*h))
J2 = vstack(J2).T

# eigenvalues for augmented slip
J3 = []
h = .003

h_scalings = ones(8) # possibility to adapt different magnitudes of data
f = ws1.cslip.aug_slip
for elem in range(len(ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_r)):
    IC = ws1.cslip.aug_slip_refstate_r.copy()
    IC[elem] += h * h_scalings[elem]
    fsp = f(IC)
    IC[elem] -= 2*h* h_scalings[elem]
    fsn = f(IC)
    J3.append((fsp - fsn) / (2.*h*h_scalings[elem]))
J3 = vstack(J3).T

# for comparision: compute eigenvalues of (reduced) Floquet model
_, maps_1, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.reddat_r, ws1.reddat_l, nps=1, nrep=200, rcond=1e-7)
_, maps_2, _ = fda.fitData(ws1.reddat_l[:-1, :], ws1.reddat_r[1:, :], nps=1, nrep=200, rcond=1e-7, )
maps_red = [dot(m1, m2) for m1, m2 in zip(maps_1, maps_2)]

if not(quick_run and 'fmaps' in locals()):
    # for comparison: compute eigenvalues of full state with multiple sections (try n=7!)
    nps = 5
    ws1.k.selection = ws1.full_markers
    ws1.k_doc = ("KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) +
                 " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with 'all markers' selection")
    d1d = fda.dt_movingavg(ws1.k.make_1D(nps=nps, phases_list=ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r), 
                           conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[:,2*nps:]
    # compute multiple-section map
    pt_maps = []
    for rep in range(nps):
        erep = rep + 1 if rep < nps - 1 else 0    
        skip = None if rep < nps - 1 else -1
        start = None if rep < nps - 1 else 1
        _, maps1, _ = fda.fitData(d1d[:skip,rep::nps], d1d[start:,erep::nps], nps=1, rcond=1e-7, nrep=80)
    fmaps = [reduce(dot, ptm) for ptm in zip(*pt_maps[::-1])]

print "done!"


Q: Eigenvalues of under-observed systems

  • Do the observed eigenvalues depend on the selected Poincare-section (in an under-observed system)?
  • When multiple sections: Do the observed eigenvalues depend on the number of Poincare-sections (in an under-observed system)?

step 4.3.1: visualize eigenvalues

In [20]:
# visualize
# cell_ID 4.3.1
vi_red = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in maps_red:

vi_full = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in ws1.maps_full:

vi_full_multi = ut.VisEig(127, False)
for A in fmaps:
# factor
lbl = 'factor-SLIP'
for ev in eig(J1)[0]:
    plot(ev.real, ev.imag, 'cd', label=lbl)
    lbl = None

# ankle
lbl = 'ankle-SLIP'
for ev in eig(J2)[0]:
    plot(ev.real, ev.imag, 'kd', label=lbl)

# augmented
lbl = 'augmented SLIP'
for ev in eig(J3)[0]:
    plot(ev.real, ev.imag, 'ro', label=lbl)

v = vi_red.vis1(N=3)

vf = vi_full.vis1(N=5, rlabels=[.25, .5])

vfm = vi_full_multi.vis1(N=3, rlabels=[])

xlim(-1.1, 1.1)
ylim(-1.1, 1.1)

title('\n'.join(['eigenvalues of reduced model vs. factors-controlled SLIP',
                 '(gray: full state Floquet model) Subject: {}'.format(conf.subject)]))



Step 5: Continous CoM prediction in forward models

Requirements: Note the next cell automatically (re-)intializes the notebook
Cell 2.01 (here)
Cell 3.1 and 3.2

to content

In [1]:
%%capture capt
# *NOTE* this cell prints two figures when it finished; other output is suppressed by the cell magic command

# --- run required cells automatically? :) (notebook must be stored for this!)
import mutils.io as mio
import mutils.misc as mi

ws5subject = 3

if not 'ws5' in locals():
    ws5 = mio.saveable()
ws5.store_figs = True

# load basic config
mi.run_nbcells('AnkleSLIP - find minimal model- Version 3.ipynb', ['0'])
conf.subject = ws5subject
conf.startup_n_full_maps = 10
mi.run_nbcells('AnkleSLIP - find minimal model- Version 3.ipynb', 
               ['0.1','1', '3', '3.1', '3.2','4', '4.2a', '4.2b', '4.2c'])

In [2]:
# create continuous model
# exclude first apex value because "augmented SLIP" is not defined for this

# these files contain the content of the corresponding cells.
# set this to "True" to re-run everything

ws5.skip_mdls = [4,5] # models *not* to recompute! (1-6; can be empty)
ws5.subj = conf.subject
ws5.out_of_sample = True
ws5.out_of_sample_doc = 'perform out of sample prediction (for CoM)'
ws5.nboot = 100
ws5.nboot_doc = 'number of bootstrap repetitions for predictions'
ws5.use_cached_fullmdl = False # use cached file or not

ws5.nps = 50

print "building models ..."
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z']
odat_c = ws1.k.make_1D(nps=ws5.nps, phases_list=ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r)[:, 2*ws5.nps:]
ws5.odat = fda.dt_movingavg(odat_c, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[1:, :]
ws5.odat_doc = 'com z, vx, vy, vz with ' + str(ws5.nps) + ' nps'

pr = mod(hstack(ws1.dataset_full.all_phases_r), 2*pi)
pr = fda.dt_movingavg(pr[:, newaxis], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

# create floquet models
if not 1 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws5.idat1 = ws1.dataset_full.n_kin_r[1:, :]
    ws5.idat1_doc = 'model 1: full dataset at (right) apex'

if not 2 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws5.idat2 = ws1.reddat_r[1:, :]
    addstr = 'including IC' if not conf.exclude_IC_from_factors else 'excluding IC'
    ws5.idat2_doc = 'model 2: CoM + factors ' + addstr

if not 3 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                       'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x',] #'r_sia_y - l_sia_y'] # add hip rotation indicator?
    tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
    ws5.idat3 = fda.dt_movingavg(tmp_dsr.all_kin_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[1:, :]
    ws5.idat3_doc = 'model 3: CoM + ankles '

if not 4 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws5.idat4 = fda.dt_movingavg(hstack([ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[1:, :], 
                                         pr[1:, :], # phase mod 2pi at apex
                                         hstack(dpr)[1:, newaxis], # phase velocity at apex
                                         ]), conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    ws5.idat4_doc = 'model 4: CoM + phi + vphi'

if not 5 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws5.idat5 = fda.dt_movingavg(hstack([ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[1:, :], ws1.dataset_full.s_param_l[:-1, :],
                                         pr[1:, :]]), conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    ws5.idat5_doc = 'model 5: augmented SLIP (exact apex state + phase info)'

if not 6 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws5.idat6 = fda.dt_movingavg(hstack([ws1.dataset_full.all_IC_r[1:, :], ws1.dataset_full.s_param_l[:-1, :]]),
                                 conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    ws5.idat6_doc = 'model 6: augmented SLIP'

if not 7 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 
                       'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x', 'cvii_y - sacr_y']
    tmp_dsr = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
    ws5.idat7 = fda.dt_movingavg(tmp_dsr.all_kin_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[1:, :]
    ws5.idat7_doc = 'model 7: CoM + ankles '

print "performing prediction tests"
print "*" * ws5.nps

print "model 1:"
if 1 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = None
    if ws5.use_cached_fullmdl:
            res = mio.mload('tmp/vred_s{}fm.list'.format(conf.subject))
            print "loaded mdl from file (median detrended!)"
        except IOError:
    if res == None: # not loaded; either not found or cache disabled
        res = []
        for rep in range(ws5.nps):
            res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat1, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
        print " done"
        mio.msave('tmp/vred_s{}fm.list'.format(conf.subject), res)
    ws5.pred_mdl1 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl1_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl1 for prediction; for each of ',
                                 str(ws5.nps), ' phases of gait cyc.'])

print "model 2:"
if 2 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat2, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl2 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl2_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl2 for prediction; for each of ',
                                 str(ws5.nps), ' phases of gait cyc.'])


print "model 3:"
if 3 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat3, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl3 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl3_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl3 for prediction; for each of ',
                                 str(ws5.nps), ' phases of gait cyc.'])

print "model 4:"
if 4 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat4, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl4 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl4_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl4 for prediction; for each of ',
                                  str(ws5.nps),' phases of gait cyc.' ])

print "model 5:"
if 5 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat5, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl5 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl5_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl5 for prediction; for each of ',
                                 str(ws5.nps), ' phases of gait cyc.'])

print "model 6:"
if 6 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat6, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl6 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl6_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl5 for prediction; for each of ' ,
                                 str(ws5.nps), ' phases of gait cyc.'])

print "model 7:"
if 7 in ws5.skip_mdls:
    print "skipped"
    res = []
    for rep in range(ws5.nps):
        res.append(vstack(st.predTest(ws5.idat7, ws5.odat[:,rep::ws5.nps], out_of_sample=ws5.out_of_sample,
    print " done"
    ws5.pred_mdl7 = res
    ws5.pred_mdl7_doc = ''.join(['list of rem. var. of CoM using mdl7 for prediction; for each of ',
                                  str(ws5.nps),' phases of gait cyc.' ])

building models ...
performing prediction tests
model 1:
.................................................. done
model 2:
.................................................. done
model 3:
.................................................. done
model 4:
model 5:
model 6:
.................................................. done
model 7:
.................................................. done

In [3]:
# --- visualize

import matplotlib.font_manager as fmt
FM = fmt.FontManager()
fnt = FM.findfont('Times New Roman')
fp = fmt.FontProperties(fname=fnt)

means = []
stds = []

for mdl in arange(7) + 1:
    if mdl not in ws5.skip_mdls:
        code = 'vstack([mean(x, axis=0) for x in ws5.pred_mdl{}])'.format(mdl)
        code = 'vstack([std(x, axis=0) for x in ws5.pred_mdl{}])'.format(mdl)
fig = figure(figsize=(6.83,2))

phase = linspace(0,2*pi, 50, endpoint=False)

titles = ['CoM z'.format(conf.subject),
          'CoM vx'.format(conf.subject),
          'CoM vy'.format(conf.subject),]

colors_ = ['#006767','k', '#009900', 'r','c']
fmt_m = {'linestyle' : '-', 'marker' : '', 'linewidth' : 2}
fmt_s = {'linestyle' : '--', 'linewidth' : 1}
mdl_lbl = ['full state', 'factor SLIP', 'ankle SLIP', 'augmented SLIP', 'ankle* SLIP']

for dim in range(3):
    subplot(1, 3, dim+1)
    for nr, (m, s) in enumerate(zip(means, stds)):
        plot(phase, m[:, dim], color=colors_[nr], **fmt_m)
        plot(phase, m[:, dim] + s[:, dim], color=colors_[nr], **fmt_s)
        #plot(phase, m[:, dim] + s[:, dim], styles_[nr])
    title(titles[dim], fontproperties=fp)
    gca().set_xticks([0, 3.14, 6.28])
    gca().set_xticklabels(['0', r'$\pi$', r'$2 \pi$'], fontproperties=fp)
    gca().set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
    ylim(0, 1.1)
    plot([0,6.28], [1, 1], 'k--')
    plot([pi, pi],[0, 1], 'k--')
    if dim == 1:
        xlabel('phase [rad]', fontproperties=fp)
    if dim == 0:
        gca().set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
        ylabel('relative remaining variance', fontproperties=fp)

lax = axes([.025,.9,.95, .1], frameon=False)
lax.text(.75, 0, 'predictions for subject {}:'.format(conf.subject), va='center', fontproperties=fp)
xpos = [2.15, 2.9, 3.85, 4.75, 5.95]
for mdl in range(5):
    lax.plot([xpos[mdl], xpos[mdl] + .15], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[mdl], **fmt_m)
    lax.text(xpos[mdl] + .2 , 0, mdl_lbl[mdl], va='center', fontproperties=fp) # va: equivalent to verticalalignment


subplots_adjust(left=.075, right=.95, wspace=.1,bottom=.2, top=.8)

if ws5.store_figs:

pass # suppress output of last function call

Step 11: Variance reduction by SLIP simulation

Step 11.1: ankle-SLIP
Step 11.2: augmented-SLIP
Step 11.3: factor-SLIP
Step 11.4: full-state-SLIP
Step 11.5: visualize
Step 11.6: run for all subjects (self-contained cell!)

to content


  • There is a cell at the beginning which runs all required cells (you can start here without bothering about the previous parts of the notebook)
  • Step 11.6 "run for all subjects" is self-contained, i.e. you can start directly there


  • ws1.dataset_full (block 1: data loaded)
  • ws1.fscore_r/l (block 3: compute factors; first cell only)


  • select random subsample of the data
  • compute corresponding controlled SLIP
  • make predictions for out-of-sample data
    • adapt baseline: compute periodic orbit for average states of out-of-sample data
  • repeat n-times

In [1]:
# run required cells (notebook should be saved for this, at least the referred cells shoult be up to data)

import mutils.io as mio
import mutils.misc as mi

# load basic config
nb_name = 'AnkleSLIP - find minimal model- Version 3.ipynb'

mi.run_nbcells(nb_name, ['0'])

conf.subject = 1
conf.quiet = True 

               ['0.1','1', '3', '3.1', '3.2',]) #'4', '4.2a', '4.2b', '4.2c'])

print "\nnotebook initialized"

_saveables                 list (10)        list of types that can be stored
cslip_forceZeroRef         bool  True       reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
dt_medfilter               bool  False      
dt_window                  int  30          
exclude_IC_from_factors    bool  False      
n_factors                  int  5           how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state
normalize_m                bool  True       
po_average_over_IC         bool  True       average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP
quiet                      bool  False      
select_ankle_SLIP          bool  True       
startup_compute_PCA        bool  False      
startup_compute_full_maps  bool  True       
startup_n_full_maps        int  20          
subject                    int  2           
ttype                      int  1           
notebook initialized

In [24]:

array([1, 2, 3])

In [ ]:

In [58]:
# --- utility functions etc.
#     NOTE: these functions (getRed) rely on external variables! conf, d (ws1.dataset_full), ...

#d = ws1.dataset_full # shortcut

# cell_ID 11.0a

def getControlMaps2(state_r, state_l, pr, pl, Tr, yminr, Tl, yminl, m, indices, conf,  d=None, rcond=1e-8):
    state_r: median -> reference state r
    state_l: median -> reference state l
    indices: subset of indices to use for regression
    m1: state_r -> (pr - pr_ref)
    m2: state_l -> (pl - pl_ref)
    m3: state_r -> state_l[3:]
    m4: state_l -> state_r[3:]
    # remove potential too high indices
    idx = array([x for x in indices if x < state_r.shape[0] - 1], dtype=int)
    #def getPeriodicOrbit2(ICr, Tr, yminr, ICl, Tl, yminl, m, startParams=[14000.,
    #[ICp_r, Pp_r, dE_r], [ICp_l, Pp_l, dE_l] =
    ICp_r = mean(state_r[idx, :3], axis=0)
    ICp_l = mean(state_l[idx, :3], axis=0)
    TR = mean(Tr[idx, :])
    TL = mean(Tl[idx, :])    
    ymin_r = mean(yminr[idx, :])
    ymin_l = mean(yminl[idx, :])
    Pp_r, Pp_l = su.getPeriodicOrbit2(ICp_r, TR, ymin_r, ICp_l, TL, ymin_l,
            m, startParams=mean(pr[idx, :], axis=0)[:5])
    # now: detrend data
    # non-SLIP state
    dt_nss_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r[:, 3:], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_nss_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l[:, 3:], conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    # full state
    dt_fs_r = fda.dt_movingavg(state_r,  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_fs_l = fda.dt_movingavg(state_l,  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)

    # SLIP parameters
    dt_pl = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_l,  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    dt_pr = fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_r,  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
    # compute non-SLIP state prediction maps (propagators)
    _, all_prop_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r[idx, :], dt_nss_l[idx, :], nps=1, nrep=25, 
                                   sections=[0,], rcond=rcond)
    _, all_prop_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l[idx, :], dt_nss_r[idx+1, :], nps=1, nrep=25, 
                                   sections=[0,], rcond=rcond)
    prop_r = fda.meanMat(all_prop_r)
    prop_l = fda.meanMat(all_prop_l)

    # compute parameter prediction maps
    _, all_ctrl_r, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_r[idx, :], dt_pr[idx, :], nps=1, nrep=25, 
                                   sections=[0,], rcond=rcond)
    _, all_ctrl_l, _ = fda.fitData(dt_fs_l[idx, :], dt_pl[idx, :], nps=1, nrep=25, 
                                   sections=[0,], rcond=rcond)
    ctrl_r = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_r)
    ctrl_l = fda.meanMat(all_ctrl_l)

    return (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ICp_r, ICp_l, Pp_r, Pp_l)

def getPOs(d):
    """ returns a list parameters yielding periodic orbits """
    n = d.all_IC_r.shape[0]
    print "v" * ((n//25) + 1)
    TR = vstack(d.TR).squeeze()
    TL = vstack(d.TL).squeeze()
    yR = vstack(d.yminR).squeeze()
    yL = vstack(d.yminL).squeeze()
    m = mean(d.masses)
    ICr = d.all_IC_r
    ICl = d.all_IC_l
    pr = []
    pl = []
    for nr in range(n):
        Pp_r, Pp_l = su.getPeriodicOrbit2(ICr[nr, :], TR[nr], yR[nr], ICl[nr,:], TL[nr], yL[nr],
            m, startParams=d.all_param_r[nr, :])
        if not mod(nr, 25):
    print "done!"
    return vstack(pr), vstack(pl)

# --- compute controller and perform predictions
def getRed(states_r_o, states_l_o, is_factor=False, nboot=100):
    computes the variance reduction by simulation
    states_r_o, states_l_o: full states of the models. [y,vx,vz, <additional states>]
    is_factor (bool): if True, factors are recomputed per bootstrap iteration
    nboot (int): number of bootstrap iterations

    vred_step, vred_stride: bootstrapped lists of achieved variance reduction for CoM
    vred_step = []
    vred_stride = []
    dataset = d
    # nboot = 100 # quick for now
    print "v" * nboot
    for bsrep in range(nboot):
        #print "rep:", bsrep + 1
        idx = randint(0, states_r_o.shape[0], states_r_o.shape[0])
        # --- select regression and prediction subset
        oidx = fda.otheridx(idx, states_r_o.shape[0])[:-1] # skip last index in any case
        if is_factor:
            # compute factor direction out-of-sample
            sr_ = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r_o, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            sl_ = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l_o, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            sr_ = sr_ / std(sr_, axis=0)
            sl_ = sl_ / std(sl_, axis=0)
            facs_r = st.find_factors(sr_[idx, :].T, d.s_param_r[idx, :].T, k=5)
            facs_l = st.find_factors(sl_[idx, :].T, d.s_param_l[idx, :].T, k=5)

            # old
            #fscore_r = dot(facs_r.T, sr_[idx, :].T).T            
            #fscore_l = dot(facs_l.T, sl_[idx, :].T).T            
            #states_r = hstack([states_r_o[idx, :3], fscore_r])
            #states_l = hstack([states_l_o[idx, :3], fscore_l])
            fscore_r = dot(facs_r.T, sr_.T).T            
            fscore_l = dot(facs_l.T, sl_.T).T            
            states_r = hstack([states_r_o[:, :3], fscore_r])
            states_l = hstack([states_l_o[:, :3], fscore_l])

            states_r = states_r_o
            states_l = states_l_o
        mass = mean(array(d.masses))
        # compute control maps
        (ctrl_r, ctrl_l), (prop_r, prop_l), (ICp_r, ICp_l, Pp_r, Pp_l) = getControlMaps2(states_r, 
                        states_l, d.all_param_r, d.all_param_l, vstack(d.TR), vstack(d.yminR),
                        vstack(d.TL), vstack(d.yminL), mass, idx, conf, dataset)

        # --- compute baseline params for "other indices":
        ICp_r = mean(states_r[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        ICp_l = mean(states_l[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        TR = mean(vstack(d.TR)[oidx, :])
        TL = mean(vstack(d.TL)[oidx, :])    
        ymin_r = mean(vstack(d.yminR)[oidx, :])
        ymin_l = mean(vstack(d.yminL)[oidx, :])
        po_r, po_l = su.getPeriodicOrbit2(ICp_r, TR, ymin_r, ICp_l, TL, ymin_l,
                mean(array(d.masses)), startParams=mean(d.all_param_r[idx, :], axis=0)[:5])
        refstate_r = mean(states_r[oidx, :], axis=0)
        refstate_l = mean(states_l[oidx, :], axis=0)
        # ---- simulate steps
        idat_r = states_r[oidx, :]
        idat_l = states_l[oidx, :]
        odat_r = idat_l
        odat_l = states_r[oidx+1, :]
        # detrended
        idat_r_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[oidx, :]
        idat_l_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[oidx, :]
        odat_r_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[oidx, :]
        odat_l_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)[oidx+1, :]

        # detrended "periodic orbit" parameters (they do not correspond to periodic orbit wrt avg. IC)
        # compute periodic orbits for every 
        #ICp_r = mean(states_r[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        #ICp_l = mean(states_l[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        TRc = vstack(d.TR).squeeze()
        TLc = vstack(d.TL).squeeze()
        ymin_rc = vstack(d.yminR).squeeze()
        ymin_lc = vstack(d.yminL).squeeze()
        #po_r = []
        #po_l = []
        #for ox in oidx:
        #    po_rc, po_lc = su.getPeriodicOrbit2(states_r[ox,:], TRc[ox], ymin_rc[ox], states_l[ox,:],
        #                                        TLc[ox], ymin_lc[ox],
        #        mean(array(d.masses)), startParams=mean(d.all_param_r[idx, :], axis=0)[:5])
        #    po_r.append(po_rc)
        #    po_l.append(po_lc)
        po_r = (d.ppr - fda.dt_movingavg(d.ppr, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter))[oidx, :]
        po_l = (d.ppl - fda.dt_movingavg(d.ppl, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter))[oidx, :]
        #po_r = vstack(po_r)
        #po_l = vstack(po_l)
        #po_r = (d.all_param_r - fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter))[oidx, :]
        #po_l = (d.all_param_l - fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter))[oidx, :]

        pred_r_1 = [] # a step
        pred_r_2 = [] # a stride
        for step in range(len(oidx)):
            # --- first step
            # --- --- update SLIP params
            ##p_up_r = dot(ctrl_r, idat_r[step,:] - refstate_r)
            p_up_r = dot(ctrl_r, idat_r_dt[step,:])
            ##k, alpha, L0, beta, dE = po_r + p_up_r
            k, alpha, L0, beta, dE = po_r[step, :] + p_up_r
            pars = [k, L0, mass, alpha, beta, dE]
                IC = idat_r[step, :3]
                fs1 = sl.qSLIP_step3D(IC, pars)[1][-1, [1,3,5]]
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                # no SLIP computation possible -> use mean value as prediction
                fs1 = ICp_l
            # --- second step
            # --- --- propagate additional states
            ##augstate = dot(prop_r, idat_r[step,:] - refstate_r)
            augstate = dot(prop_r, idat_r_dt[step, :])
            ##refstate_c = refstate_l[:3]
            refstate_c = idat_l[step, :3] - idat_l_dt[step, :3]
            p_up_l = dot(ctrl_l, hstack([fs1 - refstate_c, augstate]))
            ##k, alpha, L0, beta, dE = po_l + p_up_l
            k, alpha, L0, beta, dE = po_l[step, :] + p_up_l
            pars = [k, L0, mass, alpha, beta, dE]
                fs2 = sl.qSLIP_step3D(fs1, pars)[1][-1, [1,3,5]]
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                fs2 = ICp_r
            #if not mod(step, 50):
            #    sys.stdout.write('.')
        pred_r_1 = vstack(pred_r_1)
        pred_r_2 = vstack(pred_r_2)
        #print "done"
        ##vred_step.append(var(odat_r[:,:3] - pred_r_1, axis=0) / var(odat_r[:,:3], axis=0))
        ##vred_stride.append(var(odat_l[:,:3] - pred_r_2, axis=0) / var(odat_l[:,:3], axis=0))

        vred_step.append(var(odat_r[:,:3] - pred_r_1, axis=0) / var(odat_r_dt[:,:3], axis=0))
        vred_stride.append(var(odat_l[:,:3] - pred_r_2, axis=0) / var(odat_l_dt[:,:3], axis=0))

    print " done"
    return vred_step, vred_stride
# --- compute prediction directly (linear fit)
def getRed_d(states_r_o, states_l_o, is_factor=False, nboot=100):
    computes the variance reduction by direct prediction
    states_r, states_l: full states of the models. [y,vx,vz, <additional states>]
    is_factor (bool): If true, comptue the factors from the full state (separately per bootstrap iteration)
    nboot (int): number of bootstrap iterations
    vred_step, vred_stride: bootstrapped lists of achieved variance reduction for CoM
    vred_step = []
    vred_stride = []
    #nboot = 100 # quicker for now, usually: 50
    print "V" * nboot
    for bsrep in range(nboot):
        #print "rep:", bsrep + 1
        idx = randint(0, states_r_o.shape[0] - 1, states_r_o.shape[0])
        # --- select regression and prediction subset
        oidx = fda.otheridx(idx, states_r_o.shape[0])[:-1] # skip last index in any case
        if is_factor:
            # compute factor direction out-of-sample
            sr_ = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r_o, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            sl_ = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l_o, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            sr_ = sr_ / std(sr_, axis=0)
            sl_ = sl_ / std(sl_, axis=0)
            facs_r = st.find_factors(sr_[idx, :].T, d.s_param_r[idx, :].T, k=5)
            facs_l = st.find_factors(sl_[idx, :].T, d.s_param_l[idx, :].T, k=5)

            # old:
            #fscore_r = dot(facs_r.T, sr_[idx, :].T).T            
            #fscore_l = dot(facs_l.T, sl_[idx, :].T).T            
            #states_r = hstack([states_r_o[idx, :3], fscore_r])
            #states_l = hstack([states_l_o[idx, :3], fscore_l])

            fscore_r = dot(facs_r.T, sr_.T).T            
            fscore_l = dot(facs_l.T, sl_.T).T            
            states_r = hstack([states_r_o[:, :3], fscore_r])
            states_l = hstack([states_l_o[:, :3], fscore_l])

            states_r = states_r_o
            states_l = states_l_o        
        # --- compute baseline params for "other indices":
        ICp_r = mean(states_r[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        ICp_l = mean(states_l[oidx, :3], axis=0)
        refstate_r = mean(states_r[oidx, :], axis=0)
        refstate_l = mean(states_l[oidx, :], axis=0)
        # --- compute regression
        As1 = []
        As2 = []
        # for fair comparison: also bootstrap and average regression maps
        for irep in range(nboot):
            subidx = randint(0, len(idx), len(idx))
            sidx = idx[subidx]
            idat =  fda.dt_movingavg(states_r[sidx, :],  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            odat1 = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l[sidx, :3],  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            odat2 = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r[sidx + 1, :3],  conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
            As1.append(dot( odat1.T, pinv(idat.T, rcond=1e-7) ))
            As2.append(dot( odat2.T, pinv(idat.T, rcond=1e-7) ))
        A1 = fda.meanMat(As1)
        A2 = fda.meanMat(As2)
        idat_r = states_r[oidx, :] - refstate_r
        odat_r = states_l[oidx, :3] - refstate_l[:3]
        pred_r_1 = dot(A1, idat_r.T).T
        odat_l = states_r[oidx+1, :3] - refstate_r[:3]
        pred_r_2 = dot(A2, idat_r.T).T

        vred_step.append(var(odat_r[:,:3] - pred_r_1, axis=0) / var(odat_r[:,:3], axis=0))
        vred_stride.append(var(odat_l[:,:3] - pred_r_2, axis=0) / var(odat_l[:,:3], axis=0))
    print " done"
    return vred_step, vred_stride

In [3]:
#bs1 = ppr - fda.dt_movingavg(ppr, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
#bs2 = d.all_param_r - fda.dt_movingavg(d.all_param_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)##

#for dim in range(5):
#    subplot(2,3,dim+1)
#    plot(bs1[:,dim], 'r-')
#    plot(bs2[:,dim], 'g+')

In [4]:
#std(ppr - d.all_param_r, axis=0)

Step 11.1: ankle-SLIP

In [55]:
# cell_ID 11.1a

# --- build dataset
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'r_anl_y - com_y', 'r_anl_z - com_z', 'r_anl_x - com_x']
dataset_r = build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k.selection = ['com_x', 'com_y', 'com_z', 'l_anl_y - com_y', 'l_anl_z - com_z', 'l_anl_x - com_x']
dataset_l= build_dataset(ws1.k, ws1.SlipData, dt_window=conf.dt_window, dt_median=conf.dt_medfilter)
ws1.k_doc = "KinData object for s:" + str(ws1.k.subject) + " t:" + str(ws1.k.ttype) + " with left ankle"

states_r = dataset_r.all_kin_r[:, reord_idx(dataset_r.kin_labels)]
states_l = dataset_l.all_kin_l[:, reord_idx(dataset_l.kin_labels)]

# --- --- additional data
d = ws1.dataset_full # shortcut 
# use interpolated apex states
states_r[:,:3] = d.all_IC_r
states_l[:,:3] = d.all_IC_l

if False: # method changed
        fname = 'tmp/ppr_ppl_s{}.dict'.format(conf.subject)
        p = mio.mload(fname)
        ppr = p['ppr']
        ppl = p['ppl']
        print "data loaded"
    except IOError:
        #p = {'ppr' : ppr, 'ppl' : ppl}
        ppr, ppl = getPOs(d)
        mio.msave(fname, p)
d.ppr = d.all_param_r
d.ppl = d.all_param_l

In [56]:
# cell_ID 11.1b

# compute using simulation
vr_step_ank, vr_stride_ank = getRed(states_r, states_l)

# skip:
# compute using affine model with (bootstrap-)averaged prediction matrices
# note: this is not technically sound
vr_step_d_ank, vr_stride_d_ank = getRed_d(states_r, states_l, nboot=10)

# compute using affine model with single prediction matrix per bootstrap iteration
sr_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
sl_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
vr_step_dx_ank = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
vr_stride_dx_ank = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=True)

.......... done
.......... done

In [57]:
#vr_step_dx_ank = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
#vr_stride_dx_ank = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
# cell_ID 11.1c

# --- quick visualization
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_d_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)

mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('subj {} ankle SLIP: 1 step'.format(conf.subject))
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_d_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_ank), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('subj {} ankle SLIP: 1 stride'.format(conf.subject))
#vred = var(odat_r[:,:3] - pred_r_1, axis=0) / var(odat_r[:,:3], axis=0)
#print vred

Step 11.2: augmented SLIP

In [65]:
# cell_ID 11.2a

states_r = hstack([d.all_IC_r, roll(d.all_param_l, 1, axis=0) ]) # actually, the first state is invalid
states_l = hstack([d.all_IC_l, d.all_param_r])

vr_step_aug, vr_stride_aug = getRed(states_r, states_l)

# compute using affine model with (bootstrap-)averaged prediction matrices
# NOTE: this is not technically sound!
vr_step_d_aug, vr_stride_d_aug = getRed_d(states_r, states_l, nboot=10)

# compute using affine model with single prediction matrix per bootstrap iteration
sr_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
sl_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
vr_step_dx_aug = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
vr_stride_dx_aug = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=True)

....... done
....... done

In [66]:
# --- quick visualization
# cell_ID 11.2b

b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_d_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('aug(r) SLIP:\n 1 step')
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_d_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_aug), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('aug(r) SLIP:\n 1 stride')

# --- quick visualization
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_aug))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_ank))
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_aug))
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_ank))


Step 11.3 factor-SLIP

In [60]:
# this must change to out-of-sample factor computation!

#ws1.facs_r = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_r.T, k=conf.n_factors)
#ws1.facs_l = st.find_factors(ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T, ws1.dataset.s_param_l.T, k=conf.n_factors)

#ws1.fscore_r = dot(ws1.facs_r.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_r[:, sel_idx].T).T
#ws1.fscore_r_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (right)"
#ws1.fscore_l = dot(ws1.facs_l.T, ws1.dataset.s_kin_l[:, sel_idx].T).T
#ws1.fscore_l_doc = "scores of data when projected on the factors (left)"

# cell_ID 11.3a
#states_r = hstack([d.all_IC_r,  ws1.fscore_r ]) 
#states_l = hstack([d.all_IC_l,  ws1.fscore_l])

# state is the same as "full state SLIP", but factors are computed in the getRed functions!

use_factors = True

if use_factors: #out of sample predictions for factors
    lbls = [label for label in d.kin_labels if '-' in label and 'v_' not in label]
    ws1.k.selection = lbls
    k_ap_r = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(d.all_phases_r)
    k_ap_r = hstack(k_ap_r).T
    k_ap_l = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(d.all_phases_l)
    k_ap_l = hstack(k_ap_l).T

    states_r = hstack([d.all_IC_r,  k_ap_r]) 
    states_l = hstack([d.all_IC_l,  k_ap_l])
    states_r = hstack([d.all_IC_r,  ws1.fscore_r ]) 
    states_l = hstack([d.all_IC_l,  ws1.fscore_l])    

vr_step_fac, vr_stride_fac = getRed(states_r, states_l, is_factor=use_factors)

# compute using affine model with (bootstrap-)averaged prediction matrices
# note: this is not technically sound (averaging over a sub-sample...)
vr_step_d_fac, vr_stride_d_fac = getRed_d(states_r, states_l, is_factor=use_factors, nboot=10)

# compute using affine model with single prediction matrix per bootstrap iteration
sr_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
sl_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
vr_step_dx_fac = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
vr_stride_dx_fac = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=True)

....... done
....... done

In [61]:
# cell_ID 11.3b
# --- quick visualization
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_d_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('subject {}, factor SLIP:\n 1 step (r)'.format(conf.subject))
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_d_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_fac), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('subject {}, factor SLIP:\n 1 stride (r)'.format(conf.subject))

lax = axes([.6, .2, .3, .25], frameon=True)

textprops={'fontsize' : 9}
def plotentry(h, color, ltext, x=0, lw=1):
    plot([x, x+1],[h, h], color=color, linewidth=lw)
    text(x + 1.2, h, ltext, **textprops)

plotentry(0, 'b','simulation') 
plotentry(1,'r', 'affine model [averaged matrix]') # fs affine
plotentry(2, 'k', 'affine model [single matrix]') # factor


lax.set_ylim([3, -1])


Step 11.4: full-states SLIP

In [62]:
# cell_ID 11.4a
lbls = [label for label in d.kin_labels if '-' in label and 'v_' not in label]
ws1.k.selection = lbls
k_ap_r = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(d.all_phases_r)
k_ap_r = hstack(k_ap_r).T
k_ap_l = ws1.k.get_kin_apex(d.all_phases_l)
k_ap_l = hstack(k_ap_l).T

states_r = hstack([d.all_IC_r,  k_ap_r ]) 
states_l = hstack([d.all_IC_l,  k_ap_l])

vr_step_full, vr_stride_full = getRed(states_r, states_l)

# compute using affine model with (bootstrap-)averaged prediction matrices
# NOTE: this is actually not technically sound!
vr_step_d_full, vr_stride_d_full = getRed_d(states_r, states_l, nboot=10)

# compute using affine model with single prediction matrix per bootstrap iteration
sr_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_r, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
sl_dt = fda.dt_movingavg(states_l, conf.dt_window, conf.dt_medfilter)
vr_step_dx_full = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=True)
vr_stride_dx_full = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=True)

..X..... done
....... done

In [63]:
# cell_ID 11.4b
# --- quick visualization
#vr_step_dx_full = st.predTest(sr_dt, sl_dt[:,:3], out_of_sample=False)
#vr_stride_dx_full = st.predTest(sr_dt[:-1,:], sr_dt[1:,:3], out_of_sample=False)
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_full), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_d_full), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_full), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('full state(r) SLIP:\n 1 step')
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_full), positions = arange(3) + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_d_full), positions = arange(3) + 1.2, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_full), positions = arange(3) + 1.4, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b1, 'b')
mi.recolor(b2, 'r')
mi.recolor(b3, 'k')
title('full state(r) SLIP:\n 1 stride')

Step 11.5: visualize

In [ ]:

In [14]:
# --- "full" figure

# --- one step
b0a = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_full), positions = arange(3)*2 + .6, widths=.15)
b0b = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_full), positions = arange(3)*2 + .8, widths=.15)
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_fac), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_fac), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.2, widths=.15)
b4 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_ank), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.4, widths=.15)
b5 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_ank), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.6, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_aug), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.8, widths=.15)
b3b = boxplot(vstack(vr_step_dx_aug), positions = arange(3)*2 + 2.0, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b0a,'#006767', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b1,'k', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b3,'r', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b4,'#009900', lw=2)
plot([.2, 7.],[1., 1.], 'k--')
gca().set_xticks(arange(3)*2 + 1.5)
gca().set_xticklabels(['z', 'vy', 'vx'])
ylabel('relative remaining variance')
title('subject {}: 1 step (right)'.format(conf.subject))
xlabel('CoM state predicted')

# --- one stride
b0a = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_full), positions = arange(3)*2 + .6, widths=.15)
b0b = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_full), positions = arange(3)*2 + .8, widths=.15)
b1 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_fac), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1, widths=.15)
b2 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_fac), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.2, widths=.15)
b4 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_ank), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.4, widths=.15)
b5 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_ank), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.6, widths=.15)
b3 = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_aug), positions = arange(3)*2 + 1.8, widths=.15)
b3b = boxplot(vstack(vr_stride_dx_aug), positions = arange(3)*2 + 2.0, widths=.15)
mi.recolor(b0a,'#006767', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b1,'k', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b3,'r', lw=2)
mi.recolor(b4,'#009900', lw=2)
plot([.2, 7.],[1., 1.], 'k--')
gca().set_xticks(arange(3)*2 + 1.5)
gca().set_xticklabels(['z', 'vy', 'vx'])
ylabel('relative remaining variance')
title('subject {}: 1 stride (right)'.format(conf.subject))
xlabel('CoM state predicted')

# legend axis
lax = axes([.6, .2, .3, .25], frameon=True)

textprops={'fontsize' : 9}
def plotentry(h, color, ltext, x=0, lw=1):
    plot([x, x+1],[h, h], color=color, linewidth=lw)
    text(x + 1.2, h, ltext, **textprops)

plotentry(0, '#006767','full state [sim]', lw=2)
plotentry(0,'#339a9a', 'full state [affine]', x=5) # fs affine
plotentry(1, 'k', 'factors [sim]', lw=2) # factor
plotentry(1, '#797979', 'factors [affine]', x=5) # fact. affine
plotentry(2,'#009900', 'ankle state [sim]', lw=2) # ank
plotentry(2,'#55ff55', 'ankle state [affine]', x=5,) # ank affine
plotentry(3,'r', 'SLIP param. [sim]', lw=2) # aug
plotentry(3,'#ff6767', 'SLIP param. [affine]', x=5) # aug affine


lax.set_ylim([4, -1])

(4, -1)

step 11.6: visualize for all 4 subjects

NOTE the notebook path must be correct (run first code cell of this notebook manually!)

to content

In [2]:
import mutils.io as mio
import mutils.misc as mi

# load basic config
nb_name = 'AnkleSLIP - find minimal model- Version 3.ipynb'

ws11 = mio.saveable()

mi.run_nbcells(nb_name, ['0'])

conf.subject = 1
conf.quiet = True 

ws11.vr_step_full = []
ws11.vr_step_dx_full = []
ws11.vr_step_fac = []
ws11.vr_step_dx_fac = []
ws11.vr_step_ank = []
ws11.vr_step_dx_ank = []
ws11.vr_step_aug = []
ws11.vr_step_dx_aug = []

ws11.vr_stride_full = []
ws11.vr_stride_dx_full = []
ws11.vr_stride_fac = []
ws11.vr_stride_dx_fac = []
ws11.vr_stride_ank = []
ws11.vr_stride_dx_ank = []
ws11.vr_stride_aug = []
ws11.vr_stride_dx_aug = []

print '\ndone'

_saveables                 list (10)        list of types that can be stored
cslip_forceZeroRef         bool  True       reference values for controlled SLIP maps must be zero or not
dt_medfilter               bool  False      
dt_window                  int  30          
exclude_IC_from_factors    bool  False      
n_factors                  int  5           how many (optimal) factors to select of the full kinematic state
normalize_m                bool  True       
po_average_over_IC         bool  True       average over IC's and T,ymin (alt: parameters) for reference SLIP
quiet                      bool  False      
select_ankle_SLIP          bool  True       
startup_compute_PCA        bool  False      
startup_compute_full_maps  bool  True       
startup_n_full_maps        int  20          
subject                    int  2           
ttype                      int  1           


In [ ]:
# compute data for all subjects

for subject_ in [1, 2, 3, 7]:
    conf.subject = subject_
    conf.quiet = True

    # reload data
               ['0.1','1', '3', '3.1', '3.2', '11.0a']) 

    print "\nnotebook initialized for subject {}".format(subject_)

               ['11.1a', '11.1b', '11.2a', '11.3a', '11.4a'])


notebook initialized for subject 1
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
..X.....X.X......X........X...X.................X.X..X.X..X...X...X.X...........X.X..X......X........X....X...X...X...X.X.X..X done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done

notebook initialized for subject 2
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................X................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done

notebook initialized for subject 3
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done

notebook initialized for subject 7
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.................................................................................................... done
.......... done
.............X..XX.....X..X.........X.....X......X.....X............X.....X...X...............................X..X done
.......... done
........................X...................................................................... done
.......... done

In [5]:
import mutils.plotting as mplt
colors_ = mplt.colorset_distinct

fmt1 = {'marker' : '>',
       'markersize' : 3.5,
       'markeredgecolor' : 'None'}

fmt2 = {'marker' : '<',
       'markersize' : 2.5,
       'markeredgecolor' : 'None'}

import matplotlib.font_manager as fmt
FM = fmt.FontManager()
#fnt = FM.findfont('Times New Roman') # for Proc R Soc
fnt = FM.findfont('Arial') # for NComm
fp = fmt.FontProperties(fname=fnt)

# make font in math the same as in text
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['mathtext.default'] = 'regular' # this is the key

In [14]:
# create the figure

vis_subject = 7 # from 1,2,3,7
subjects_ = [1, 2, 3, 7]

plot_subject = find(array(subjects_) == vis_subject)[0]

# horizontal positions of elements
posP = arange(ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1]) * 2.5
posPb = posP + .2

fig = figure(figsize=(18./2.56, 3))

# --- left panel

ax0 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)

# boxplots

b1 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_full[plot_subject], positions = posP + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_fac[plot_subject], positions = posP + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_ank[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_aug[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.6, widths=.14, sym='')

mi.recolor(b1, colors_[0], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b2,  colors_[1], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b3,  colors_[2], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b4,  colors_[3], lw=1.25)

b1b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_fac[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_aug[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.6, widths=.14, sym = '')

mi.recolor(b1b, colors_[0], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b2b,  colors_[1], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b3b,  colors_[2], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b4b,  colors_[3], lw=.5)

for snr, subject_ in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 7]):
    if subject_ == vis_subject: 
        continue  # skip triangle for subject for which the boxplots are drawn

    for dim in range(ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1]):
        plot(posP[dim] + .1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt2)

        plot(posP[dim] + .6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt2)
# --- right panel        

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)

# boxplots

b1 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_full[plot_subject], positions = posP + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_fac[plot_subject], positions = posP + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_ank[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_aug[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.6, widths=.14, sym='')

mi.recolor(b1, colors_[0], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b2,  colors_[1], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b3,  colors_[2], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b4,  colors_[3], lw=1.25)

b1b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_full[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_fac[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_ank[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_aug[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.6, widths=.14, sym = '')

mi.recolor(b1b, colors_[0], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b2b,  colors_[1], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b3b,  colors_[2], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b4b,  colors_[3], lw=.5)

for snr, subject_ in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 7]):
    if subject_ == vis_subject: 
        continue  # skip triangle for subject for which the boxplots are drawn

    for dim in range(ws11.vr_stride_full[0].shape[1]):
        plot(posP[dim] + .1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt2)

        plot(posP[dim] + .6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt2)
# --- formatting

ax0.set_xticks(posP + .85)
ax0.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
ax0.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_xticklabels(['height', 'horiz. velocity', 'lat.velocity'], fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_xlabel('predicted CoM state', fontproperties=fp)
ax0.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(1.02, -0.12)

ax0.set_ylabel('relative remaining variance', fontproperties=fp)
ax0.plot([-10, 20], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax0.set_xlim(-1, ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1] * 3 - 1)
ax0.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

ax1.set_xticks(posP + .85)
ax1.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
ax1.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_xticklabels(['height', 'horiz. velocity', 'lat.velocity'], fontproperties=fp)

ax1.plot([-10, 20], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax1.set_xlim(-1, ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1] * 3 - 1)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

ax0.set_title('prediction accuracy after one step (right)', fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_title('prediction accuracy after one stride (right)', fontproperties=fp)

subplots_adjust(right=.95, bottom=.15, top=.92, left=.075, wspace=.025)

# legend axis

axl = axes([.53, .2, .41, .25], frameon=False)


axl.plot([0,.2], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=1.25)
axl.text(0.25, 0, 'full state SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([0,.2], [-1, -1], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=1.25)
axl.text(0.25, -1, 'factor SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([0,.2], [-2, -2], '-', color=colors_[2], lw=1.25)
axl.text(0.25, -2, 'ankle SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([0,.2], [-3, -3], '-', color=colors_[3], lw=1.25)
axl.text(0.25, -3, 'augmented SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([3, 3.05, 3.2], [0, 0, 0], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=.5)
axl.text(3.25, 0, 'full state affine', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([3, 3.05, 3.2], [-1, -1, -1], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=.5)
axl.text(3.25, -1, 'factor state affine', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([3, 3.05, 3.2], [-2, -2, -2], '-', color=colors_[2], lw=.5)
axl.text(3.25, -2, 'ankle SLIP affine', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([3, 3.05, 3.2], [-3, -3, -3], '-', color=colors_[3], lw=.5)
axl.text(3.25, -3, 'augmented SLIP affine', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.set_ylim(-4.5, 0.5)



In [ ]:

In [19]:
# new format
# create the figure

vis_subject = 7 # from 1,2,3,7
subjects_ = [1, 2, 3, 7]

plot_subject = find(array(subjects_) == vis_subject)[0]

# horizontal positions of elements
posP = arange(ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1]) * 2.5
posPb = posP + .2

#fig = figure(figsize=(18./2.56, 3.1))
fig = figure(figsize=(18./2.56, 2.7))

# --- left panel

ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)

# boxplots

b1 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_full[plot_subject], positions = posP + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_fac[plot_subject], positions = posP + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_ank[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4 = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_aug[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.6, widths=.14, sym='')

mi.recolor(b1, colors_[0], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b2,  colors_[1], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b3,  colors_[2], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b4,  colors_[3], lw=1.25)

b1b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_fac[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4b = boxplot(ws11.vr_step_dx_aug[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.6, widths=.14, sym = '')

mi.recolor(b1b, colors_[0], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b2b,  colors_[1], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b3b,  colors_[2], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b4b,  colors_[3], lw=.5)

for snr, subject_ in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 7]):
    if subject_ == vis_subject: 
        continue  # skip triangle for subject for which the boxplots are drawn

    for dim in range(ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1]):
        plot(posP[dim] + .1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt2)

        plot(posP[dim] + .6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_step_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_step_dx_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt2)
# --- right panel        

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)

# boxplots

b1 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_full[plot_subject], positions = posP + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_fac[plot_subject], positions = posP + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_ank[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4 = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_aug[plot_subject], positions = posP + 1.6, widths=.14, sym='')

mi.recolor(b1, colors_[0], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b2,  colors_[1], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b3,  colors_[2], lw=1.25)
mi.recolor(b4,  colors_[3], lw=1.25)

b1b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_full[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .1, widths=.14, sym='')
b2b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_fac[plot_subject], positions = posPb + .6, widths=.14, sym='')
b3b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_ank[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.1, widths=.14, sym='')
b4b = boxplot(ws11.vr_stride_dx_aug[plot_subject], positions = posPb + 1.6, widths=.14, sym = '')

mi.recolor(b1b, colors_[0], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b2b,  colors_[1], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b3b,  colors_[2], lw=.5)
mi.recolor(b4b,  colors_[3], lw=.5)

for snr, subject_ in enumerate([1, 2, 3, 7]):
    if subject_ == vis_subject: 
        continue  # skip triangle for subject for which the boxplots are drawn

    for dim in range(ws11.vr_stride_full[0].shape[1]):
        plot(posP[dim] + .1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_full[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[0], **fmt2)

        plot(posP[dim] + .6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + .6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_fac[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[1], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.1 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.1 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[2], **fmt2)
        plot(posP[dim] + 1.6 - .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt1)
        plot(posPb[dim] + 1.6 + .1, median(ws11.vr_stride_dx_aug[snr][:, dim]), 
             color=colors_[3], **fmt2)
# --- formatting

ax0.set_xticks(posP + .85)
ax0.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
ax0.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax0.set_xticklabels([]) #'height', 'horiz. velocity', 'lat.velocity'], fontproperties=fp)

ax0.set_ylabel('rrv', fontproperties=fp)
ax0.plot([-10, 20], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax0.set_xlim(-.7, ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1] * 3 - 1.9)
ax0.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

ax0.arrow(-0.5,0.95,0,-0.8, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, lw=1, color='#000000')
ax0.text(-0.375,0.5, 'better prediction', ha='left', va='center', rotation=90, fontproperties=fp)

ax1.set_xticks(posP + .85)
ax1.set_yticks(arange(6) * .2)
ax1.set_yticklabels(arange(6) * .2, fontproperties=fp)
ax1.set_xticklabels(['height', 'horizontal velocity', 'lateral velocity'], fontproperties=fp, ha='left')

ax1.text(-0.8, -0.11, 'predicted CoM state:', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
#ax1.set_xlabel('predicted CoM state', fontproperties=fp)
#ax1.get_xaxis().set_label_coords(0.485, -0.20)

ax1.set_ylabel('rrv', fontproperties=fp)
ax1.plot([-10, 20], [1, 1], 'k--')
ax1.set_xlim(-.7, ws11.vr_step_full[0].shape[1] * 3 - 1.9)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.15)

ax1.arrow(-0.5,0.95,0,-0.8, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, lw=1, color='#000000')
ax1.text(-0.375,0.5, 'better prediction', ha='left', va='center', rotation=90, fontproperties=fp)

#ax0.set_title('prediction accuracy after one step (right)', fontproperties=fp)
#ax1.set_title('prediction accuracy after one stride (right)', fontproperties=fp)

subplots_adjust(right=.985, bottom=.075, top=.98, left=.075, wspace=.025, hspace=0.025)

# legend axis

#axl = axes([.53, .2, .41, .25], frameon=False)
#axl = axes([.075, .91, .91, .08], frameon=False)
axl = axes([.27, .12, .68, .125], frameon=False)


axl.plot([0, .2], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=1.25)
axl.text(0.25, 0, 'simulated', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(0.1, 1, 'Full state SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([0, 0.2], [-1, -1], '-', color=colors_[0], lw=.5)
axl.text(0.25, -1, 'linear', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([1, 1.2], [-1, -1], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=.5)
axl.text(1.25, -1, 'linear', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(1.1, 1, 'Factor-SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([1, 1.2], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[1], lw=1.25)
axl.text(1.25, 0, 'simulated', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([2, 2.2], [-1, -1], '-', color=colors_[2], lw=.5)
axl.text(2.25, -1, 'linear', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(2.1, 1, 'Ankle-SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([2, 2.2], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[2], lw=1.25)
axl.text(2.25, 0, 'simulated', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.plot([3, 3.2], [-1, -1], '-', color=colors_[3], lw=.5)
axl.text(3.25, -1, 'linear', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.text(3.1, 1, 'Augmented-SLIP', fontproperties=fp, va='center')
axl.plot([3, 3.2], [0, 0], '-', color=colors_[3], lw=1.25)
axl.text(3.25, 0, 'simulated', fontproperties=fp, va='center')

axl.set_xlim(-.1, 4.35)
axl.set_ylim(-1.5, 1.65)

ax0.text(-0., 0.2, 'one step', fontproperties=fp, bbox=dict(facecolor='#ffffff', edgecolor='k', pad=4.0))
ax1.text(-0., 0.2, 'one stride', fontproperties=fp, bbox=dict(facecolor='#ffffff', edgecolor='k', pad=4.0))
print 'figure stored as img/apex_states_predictions_s{}_v2.pdf'.format(vis_subject)


figure stored as img/apex_states_predictions_s7_v2.pdf

In [7]:


In [33]:
yax = ax1.get_yaxis().set_ticks_position('left')

In [20]:
# give rrv in numbers
print " rrv of ankle compared to full state models"
print "  <apex height>    <horiz. vel.>     <lat. vel>"
print "   ank   | full   | RR    |  ank  |  full  | RR    |    ank  |   full |   RR  | "
print "RR: ratio of variance reduction: (1 - rrv_1)/(1 - rrv_2)"
print "=" * 50

for snr in range(4):
    print ["{:1.4f}, {:1.4f}, {:1.4f}".format(median(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]),  
                median(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[snr][:, dim]),
                (1. - median(ws11.vr_step_dx_ank[snr][:, dim]))/(1 - median(ws11.vr_step_dx_full[snr][:, dim])) )
           for dim in range(3)]

 rrv of ankle compared to full state models
  <apex height>    <horiz. vel.>     <lat. vel>
   ank   | full   | RR    |  ank  |  full  | RR    |    ank  |   full |   RR  | 
RR: ratio of variance reduction: (1 - rrv_1)/(1 - rrv_2)
['0.7983, 0.6317, 0.5476', '0.3516, 0.2465, 0.8605', '0.2303, 0.1796, 0.9382']
['0.7226, 0.6389, 0.7683', '0.5274, 0.3711, 0.7515', '0.3148, 0.2035, 0.8603']
['0.8639, 0.6877, 0.4360', '0.3637, 0.2470, 0.8450', '0.2686, 0.1570, 0.8676']
['0.8522, 0.8304, 0.8712', '0.4986, 0.3643, 0.7888', '0.2490, 0.1253, 0.8585']

In [9]:

(50, 3)

In [10]:


In [ ]: